(7) Part 4 - What goes into an anti-parasitic, anti-cancer healing protocol?
Every protocol must have something to kill the parasites, something to mop up the toxins, and something to help the liver get the waste out of the body.
I am unvaxxed
The information provided on this article does not, and is not intended to, constitute medical advice; instead, all information, content, and materials available on this site are for general informational purposes only.
[Article split into two articles and heavily edited with more information on the five components of a good protocol including more on “binders” to support detox,
2 May 2023]
When it comes to healing protocols that claim to kill parasitic cells including cancer cells, we are spoilt for choice
How do we know which healing protocol to select?
There are lots of protocols based around lots of anti-parasitics, but how do we know which to use? Allopathy has not accepted that parasites are at the root cause of many diseases and particularly cancer, so there are no readily available tests to find which particular parasites we are afflicted with, and which particular protocol is going to best rid the body of that particular parasite.
So do we toss a coin? I don’t know the answer to that. I have alternated between three different protocols in the hope that one of them will hit home.
The functions of a protocol
Thanks to an on-line conversation with
, I gained a better awareness of what each protocol should include - that is, what functions must be covered. A protocol is not about the ingredients per se, but about the functions that must be covered in a single protocol, by those ingredients. I have modified her list of functions from three to 5, but maybe I am complicating it too much. I will clarify it when I have done more research.The functions that must be covered in a protocol, I think, include the following:
Destroy the biofilm that parasites and cancers use to protect themselves from the chemicals that might harm them. I covered this in more detail in the first two articles in this series.
Assault the parasitic cells with anti-parasitics. These are seen as the most important component but they can be ineffective if they can’t get into the cells we want them to destroy or if they are not the right poison for the parasitic cells we are dealing with.
Support the principal anti-parasitic with supplements that make them more effective. Destroying the biofilm will make it possible for the anti-parasitic to get into the cells, and these will make it more toxic once it gets there.
Use binders:
to collect up the toxic biological remnants of the dead parasites or cancer cells.
to collect up other toxins such as chemicals, heavy metals and nano-technology that happen to washing around in our systems.
Protect the liver (and maybe kidneys) while they manage all this newly mobilized dead and toxic stuff.
When you see protocols for covid, long covid and covid related cancers, they are strong on the anti-parasitics and perhaps not so well balanced when it comes to the rest.
Element 1, a protocol must have biofilm disruptors
I looked at the importance of biofilm in detail in the first three articles in this series. Please read these three articles to get an introduction to this topic and see where biofilm fits.
By the time I had done this research on biofilm, I still had some significant unanswered questions:
Do different bacteria, parasites and tumours build different forms of biofilm?
Do different bodies build different forms of biofilm?
And if they do, do we need different biofilm disruptors to get through them so that the treatment we are using is able to diminish or remove the bacteria, parasites or tumours?
Do you know the answer to these questions?
If so, perhaps you could provide a link to good information in the comments?
Element 2 - A protocol must have one or more ingredients to assault the parasitic cells
We seem to be spoilt for choice with substances that we can use as our first line of attack against parasitic and cancer cells. They include:
Apricot Kernels (amygdalin)
All of these are successful to some degree. There are many mechanisms for making cancer cells and parasites terminally uncomfortable, and a good treatment has as many of these as possible. These front line treatments tend to have multiple mechanisms for targeting cancer cells and parasites.
Run a search on “anticancer mechanisms of [insert your chosen treatment] to find medically peer reviewed articles on your chosen treatment. These can be hard to read and interpret and you may have to open many documents to find one that makes sense to you. But dying of cancer is harder!
Anti-cancer mechanisms of Ivermectin
Here is just one example, Ivermectin. The table is taken from the article below. Ivermectin has a broad range of actions across a broad range of cancers.
Ivermectin, a potential anticancer drug derived from an antiparasitic drug
Element 3 - Good protocols also seem to include powerful ingredients to support the principal anti-parasitic
For lack of medical help sorting this out for us, we have to pretty much take a stab at a protocol we think we can manage and hope like crazy it is targeting our particular type of infestation. Fortunately there are many additional products we can take to support our chosen front-line treatment and broaden its base further.
These support products maybe have fewer avenues of action but have one or two very potent ones that are able to broaden the scope of the central ingredient in the protocol. They often have cancer killing properties in their own right, although perhaps not quite as broad in action as the primary products. In addition they have other properties that help the body recover while the primary medicine above does it’s job. These include:
Black seed oil
Olive leaf extract
Green tea extract
Vitamin C
Vitamin D3
Coenzyme Q10
Obviously we cannot take all of these, and they do have vastly different cancer killing skills. Again, in a very hit and miss fashion, if we add some of the safest of these to our core product, we have that much better chance of hitting the jackpot. That’s how chemotherapy works - throw enough toxins as the cancer and you might get lucky. This is just natural “phyto-chemotherapy”!
However, if we do our homework, there is enough research out there to make a pretty good educated guess, given the time to study the research that has been done. Unfortunately I have not stumbled across any medical professionals who are doing it for us, so as usual we are on our own. My personal approach has been to take the supplements I know I can obtain from a reputable source, that “I like” taking, and work out later whether they target my two particular types of cancer - when I can get to it.
We need proper research
We desperately need to get some decent research into applying the pure research to actual human cases. But as drug companies pay for almost all medical research globally, and there is no profit to be made from plant based treatments, the research is rarely done. I have found that most of the best research is coming out of China and India, as they still have an immense pride in their traditional medicine systems, Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurvedic Medicine, and so have a strong motivation to do the research necessary to prove the value of their treatments.
Element 4 - Protocols need “binders” to collect the toxic biological remnants and other chemical and heavy metal toxins
This is the one I have had the most difficulty finding information I trust for. There are lots of different elements that might require detoxing from the body and how do we safely target them all?
There may be man made elements that should never be in the body in the first place and that provide a good micro-climate for the parasitic cells to grow and reproduce. These are hard to get out of the body and probably each need something different to mobilize them out.
Then there are the biological elements and various life forms. As we destroy the biological biofilms, and kill the bacteria, parasites and cancer cells hiding in them, the whole mess puts up a fight before it dies and leaves a toxic soup behind for our bodies to eliminate as best we can.
The article below covers a lot of good “binders”. My only reservation about the author’s advice is that I would not have included zeolite, which has dangerous heavy metals as a component. Her other recommendations are all plant or earth based phytochemicals - that is, chemicals manufactured by plants, rather than man-made chemicals or heavy metals.
I strongly recommend you read this article to get a really good overview of “binders”, which ones to use for what circumstances, and how they work.
What are the benefits of binders and which should I be using?
She deals with each of the following binders and how they work:
Clay & Zeolites
Fruit Pectin or modified fruit pectin
Humic and Fulvic Acids
Binders that you often find recommended but which I have strong reservations about.
There are lots of chemical products that are toxic in their own right, being recommended as some form of detox agent, by various writers on Substack. Although I am listing them here, I am NOT recommending any of them because I have a very strong (and possibly irrational) resistance against taking anything man-made and toxic in its own right to destroy or detox man-made toxins. It doesn’t make sense to me - particularly when there are much safer plant-based options available.
Do your own research on these and take them very much at your own risk.
Zeolite as promoted by Dr Sherry Tenpenny
Sodium Citrate as recommended by David Nixon on Karl.C’s Substack
Chlorine Dioxide as promoted by Robert Yoho.
The binders I am currently using
Modified citrus pectin
This does it all. It is manufactured from a natural product, destroys biofilm, kills parasitic and cancer cells, and chelates heavy metals out of the body. I am in the process of writing a follow up article on this as I get to know it better, particularly as it seems to do everything. The more I learn about it, the better it looks.
In the meantime here are a few articles to be going on with.
For cancer: Demystifying Modified Citrus Pectin: What Is the Evidence?
Modified Citrus Pectin or MCP is a citrus pectin modified to be useful against different conditions, specifically Galectin-3, cardiovascular disease, and kidney conditions. MCP is the only agent known to block and bind Galectin-3, which has pro-inflammatory, pro-fibrotic, and cancer-promoting actions.
For heavy metal chelation and general detox: Integrative medicine and the role of modified citrus pectin/alginates in heavy metal chelation and detoxification--five case reports
For disrupting biofilm: Not Getting Better with Treatment? Time to Target Biofilms
Fulvic and Humic Acid
I am also taking this. Back last century there was a great tape doing the rounds (yes, before CDs and the internet) called Dead Doctors Don’t Lie, by Joel Wallach. The premise of the tape that has stuck in my head was that, if the average life expectancy of a doctor is 57, and of a bus conductor is 73, who should you take health advice from? I never forgot it. But I did forget about his most profound health recommendation, fulvic acid.
Read more about it here:
Element 6 - Protect the liver
As we remove nasty stuff from our bodies, our livers and kidneys have to do an awful lot of additional work, so we need to support them. These are the most commonly recommended supports for the liver.
Milk Thistle: 7 Science-Based Benefits of Milk Thistle
Dandelion products.
At this stage I do not know what we are supposed to do if our liver enzyme readings go too high to continue. What is too high? And I have seen instructions to cease the protocol until they come back down to a normal range, then start again. That does not seem satisfactory to me, as surely it is essential to keep irritating the “alien invaders” till they give up. Giving them a rest does not seem like a good idea to me. But I will cross that bridge when I come to it. I have a doctor willing to write the liver function tests at the end of each protocol and that will have to do for now.
This series of articles
These address the 5 components of a good treatment protocol. I have separated this information into five separate posts of which this is the fourth.
Every protocol must have the right components
Every protocol must have an appropriate biofilm disruptor.
More on biofilm and biofilm disruptors and how they may have saved my life.
Every protocol must have something to kill the parasites, something to mop up the toxins, and something to help the liver get the waste out of the body.
An analysis of my current Artemisinin protocol and the supplements I have added to it.
Addenda added 19 April 2024
I have written two further articles on biofilm since this series and still have a long way to go to understand it.
My big new dream?
While I was scanning the web for information on apricot kernels - I am looking for a protocol that includes them, I came across a website for alternative treatment clinics in Mexico. What would I do if I had enough money to fund it? I would go to one of those clinics and then see about living out my days somewhere bright, and colorful and joyful.
Two nights later I had a dream where I was walking down narrow cobbled streets lined with street vendors selling bright embroidered fabric items, actually more like Bolivia than Mexico. There were two other women with me and we were chattering happily. I asked them if I could afford to live there, and they told me I could choose between any of three rooms, now, today - far from luxury but “soft” feminine rooms decorated in lots of soft colourful fabrics. I woke up seriously excited and happy.
So how can I do that? How can I make enough income to fund me to a clinic in Mexico and from there, to who knows where?
Can you help?
I intend to keep writing of my journey through this rather strange time in my life, and for this planet. Hopefully my story becomes exciting as I cross normal barriers to find solutions. As soon as I know, you will know what does and does not work to exorcise this bio-weapon from our bodies.
If you think my writings are worthwhile, you can help me get more subscriptions and donations by sharing this article and on other social media platforms, and by re-stacking this and subsequent articles in Substack Notes.
And if you see value in me sharing my journey, and would personally like to help me get to Mexico where I can find natural treatments that are illegal in the West, you can make a one-off donation through PayPal below. (With thanks to those who have already donated.)
This is a fantastic article. Thank you, Christine, for sharing this information. I am reminded of Hulda Clark and her protocol for all diseases, including cancer. She said the two main causes of disease are parasites and toxin pollution. https://drhuldaclark.org/ The doctors at Cellcore would agree with her about parasites and toxins, because parasites are their main focus after they detox the organs of elimination. Then they go after environmental toxins. cellcore.com Same for the Rife frequency folks at Spooky2: detox the liver and kidneys in conjunction with removing heavy metals, parasites, and environmental toxins. Brian Ardis, DC said that our parasites duplicate the spike protein. Dietrich Klinghardt, MD targets parasites as causing Autism and Lyme Disease. I find it interesting that the all the alternative drugs for Covid also double as dewormers. Deworming parasites on a regular basis is key for health.
Christine, once again you are setting me off in a new search direction. Mercifully, my interest in cancer isonly intellectual,, but plant-based medicine--growing, using-- has been an interest for decades. The last three years of retirement have allowed me to indulge my fruit-growing habits with 22 new fruit trees: last evening the sixth peach went into the ground. Perhaps next year apricots. So I wondered about the amygdalin content of plants other than apricot, and offer you this from Univ. Leeds, although you will probably already have read it. https://journal.tinkoff.ru/media/bolarinwa.mm40khtedais..pdf
BTW, you are one of those for whom I offer prayer for healing.