This is a fantastic article. Thank you, Christine, for sharing this information. I am reminded of Hulda Clark and her protocol for all diseases, including cancer. She said the two main causes of disease are parasites and toxin pollution. https://drhuldaclark.org/ The doctors at Cellcore would agree with her about parasites and toxins, because parasites are their main focus after they detox the organs of elimination. Then they go after environmental toxins. cellcore.com Same for the Rife frequency folks at Spooky2: detox the liver and kidneys in conjunction with removing heavy metals, parasites, and environmental toxins. Brian Ardis, DC said that our parasites duplicate the spike protein. Dietrich Klinghardt, MD targets parasites as causing Autism and Lyme Disease. I find it interesting that the all the alternative drugs for Covid also double as dewormers. Deworming parasites on a regular basis is key for health.

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Thank you. Yes, I came across her years back and have simply never questioned her theories since - expanded them to incorporate more recent science, but they are still a sound basis. And like you, it was clear to me that it was two anti-parasitics that were the repurposed drugs for covid, and are the repurposed drugs for cancer.

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Christine, once again you are setting me off in a new search direction. Mercifully, my interest in cancer isonly intellectual,, but plant-based medicine--growing, using-- has been an interest for decades. The last three years of retirement have allowed me to indulge my fruit-growing habits with 22 new fruit trees: last evening the sixth peach went into the ground. Perhaps next year apricots. So I wondered about the amygdalin content of plants other than apricot, and offer you this from Univ. Leeds, although you will probably already have read it. https://journal.tinkoff.ru/media/bolarinwa.mm40khtedais..pdf

BTW, you are one of those for whom I offer prayer for healing.

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Thankyou . I hadn't seen this paper. Useful information

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Just a little FYI....



For skin cancer, a 7% iodine tincture should be spread on the affected area, 20-30 times once a day, with the aim of producing a number of layers of crusts. After this treatment, the cancer will be gone and stay away forever.

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oopsie - I see you in the comments there.

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Richardson Nutritional Center in USA sells apricot seeds and has other info. on cancer.

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Here is the link in case anyone else is looking. https://rncstore.com/

It's not viable for Australians to buy from America because you can almost double the price for currency conversion then add a ludicrous $50.00 for postage. Australians, you can find them in most health food shops although they do run out from time the time.

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Im sorry .

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Very helpful summary. My wife was using NAC to help detox the liver, but it wasn't effective; now the functional medicine doctor is having her use glutathione, a metabolite of NAC, which seems to be working better. She is using it in conjunction with milk thistle and dandelion. She is using activated charcoal for chelation purposes.

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I have read that we have to be careful with charcoal and bentonite clay because they pick up nutriments as well as nasty stuff. I don't know how true that is. I will keep my eye on glutathione when it next comes up in articles, or if my numbers get too bad.

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Gultathione is considered the master antioxidant, poorly absorbed through the gut. To boost levels most practitioners suggest IV administration. You can access your venous system without needles through your lungs. A nebulizer and the above product IMO is the best way to raise levels at home, without an IV.

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If you want to specifically do Apricot kernels. Jason Vale had good info.


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You have given me a lot to work on - thankyou - across your comments. It will take me time to follow up and incorporate into articles if necessary.

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...and maybe into my own protocols

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Mistletoe is a little more complicated. It's part of Rudolf Steiners anthroposophic medicine.

I would suggest an antroposophic medicine MD, if you go the Mistletoe route. I can give you some reading if you would like.

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On-line reading if you can - I don't have access to books. But yes, I would appreciate that. I came across it years ago, maybe when I was active in the Theosophical Society, but not recently.

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"I was active in the Theosophical Society"

I'll assume then you know about typing trees to disease and personality types. Are you in Australia ?

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No I don't. Not sure what you are referring to. Yes, in Australia. Know various energy healing modalities.

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Injectable (IV) B-17 / Laetrile / Amygdalin. In Mexico, vitamin B-17 in metabolic therapy is administered through intravenous injection for the initial 21 days (phase I) of treatment and then orally afterwards (Phase II – See Pages 31-32). Some companies carry the injectable form in 3 gram ampoules (see Contacts at the end of this booklet). They may also supply customers with the syringes if it is legal in the latter’s area. There are 10 vials per box. 6 to 9 grams per day are used for the first 21 days in the Oasis of Hope hospital. Dr. Harold Manner and Ernesto Contreras used this protocol. Injectable B-17 is also invariably administered along with the tissue penetrating agent dimethyl Sulfoxide (DMSO). (For information of how some doctors use DMSO see page29). Please Note: Clinical tests have repeatedly shown that vitamin B-17 is only truly effective when used in conjunction with pancreatic enzymes to break down the pericellular coating of the malignant cell. Vitamins A and E in their emulsified form, along with high doses of vitamin C, vitamin B-15, antioxidants, and other nutrients are then used in combination with B-17 to attack the cancer cell


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Laetrile B17 supplements sell on Richardson Nutritional Center in USA. Also books & DVD products.

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I can get the kernels in Australia "for cosmetic use only" but our only local grower retired himself and his orchard, and so now our only source is China.

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Back to all the work I have done on biofilm. Have not looked at pancreatic enzymes though.

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Metabolic therapy elements are utilized in order to provide our human organism the best environment to combat disease and regain health. – A homage to Dr. Contreras

The terms Laetrile and Amygdalin refer to the same compound – vitamin B-17 – and are interchangeable.

Laetrile Kills Cancer Cells

The pit of apricots, peaches, nectarines and plums contains a kernel rich in a substance called amygdalin. Amygdalin was first discovered in 1802 by the chemist Bohn during the distillation of the water of bitter almonds. Later the anti-tumor properties were studied by Dr. Ernesto Contreras of the Oasis of Hope hospital in Mexico and many other physicians around the world. They showed that amygdalin releases hydrogen cyanide, a toxic chemical that kills cancer cells, sparing normal cells. The mechanism of action has been described by Dr. Contreras: Cancer cells and only cancer cells, contain an enzyme called glucosidase. This enzyme facilitates the chemical reaction, which transforms laetrile into a hydrogen cyanide toxic to cancer cells. Normal cells do not contain this enzyme and therefore cyanide cannot be formed in normal cells. The use of laetrile requires the use of enzymes to break the pericellular coating of cancer cells. The therapy requires eating apricot kernels at the same time.

Laetrile Decreases Bone Cancer Pain

Laetrile is particularly useful in cancer metastasis or primary bone cancer to manage bone pain. Opioids are the most commonly used pharmaceutical medicine for pain management. However, opioids have common side effects including sedation, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, constipation, physical dependence, tolerance and respiratory depression. When possible it is useful to administer laetrile in place or in conjunction with lower doses of opiates.


Laetrile is administered orally and intravenously.

Oral Administration

Oral administration of Vitamin B-17 is the most convenient and frequently used method in the US. The B-17 ingredient is derived from the kernels of apricots and is available in 100 mg or 500 mg tablets. It should be taken in conjunction with apricot seeds.

Dr. Contreras recommends:

2-4 100 mg tablets as a nutritional supplement for prevention.

4-6 500 mg tablets per day as a nutritional supplement for clinical cancer sufferers, taken in conjunction with enzymes, antioxidants, and other supplements.

Dr. Krebs says “For some patients in whom gastric acidity is deficient, side reactions of weakness or headache following oral administration may be avoided by taking citrus juices or grape juice, or hydrochloric acid tablets such as betaine hydrochloride to prevent these unpleasant reactions”.

Intravenous Injection

Dr. Contreras protocol includes Laetrile injected intravenously for the first 21 days followed by oral administration for the next 3 months. DMSO is usually added to the infusion for a better penetration of the tissues. In addition to the intravenous administration of B-17, high doses of pancreatic enzymes, vitamin C, E, A and shark cartilage are taken orally to help break down the cell membrane of the cancer cell.

Read more about Vitamin B17 on World Without Cancer website

Dr. Contreras on metabolic therapies and B-17

“Metabolic therapy is a non-toxic cancer treatment based on the use of Vitamin B- 17, proteolytic pancreatic enzymes, immuno-stimulants, and vitamin and mineral supplements Laetrile (B-17) is the chief anti-tumour agent. It is a natural chemotherapeutic agent found in over 1,200 plants, particularly in the seeds of common fruits such as apricots, peaches, plums, and apples. It is also a diglucoside with cyanide radical that is highly “bio-accessible.” This means that it penetrates through the cellular membrane reaching high intra-cellular concentrations easily. This cyanide radical is what once made the vitamin controversial, but over the years, it has been proven that amygdalin is completely safe and non-toxic. The normal cells in our organism contain an enzyme called Rhodanese, which “neutralizes” the amygdalin. This enzyme does not allow the amygdalin to release the cyanide. In this way, amygdalin only serves as glucose to healthy cells providing energy. Malignant cells do not contain this enzyme. In the absence of Rhodanese, the amygdalin is activated liberating the cyanide radical inside the malignant cell causing its destruction. This is the way God creates things: Only cancer cells are destroyed but normal ones are not affected. As the amygdalin attacks unhealthy cells, it transforms into a silicate, which is much like aspirin. It contributes greatly to pain control. The hundreds of clinical studies conducted by many competent physicians around the world, including those directed by Dr. Ernesto Contreras Rodriguez at the Oasis of Hope Hospital hospital in Mexico, give us complete confidence that there is no danger”.


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