Study of (Lf)/Lactoferrin. Immuno-modulation and Anti-microbial/parasitic/"viral"/cancer mechanisms - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7795860/ Rascon-Cruz et al (2021)

I'm adding this link as it pertains to removal of Joe Tippens protocol vid from YT, medical censorship, allopathic fraud. https://charleswright1.substack.com/p/the-video-of-joe-tippens-discussing

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Also, waynebgood is S.Kirsch Moderator and boots people from that forum with legit Questions; all while VSRF pretends to want open discussion and TRANSPARENCY on medical topics and med freedom. S. Kirsch CETF (2020/2021) was rockefeller anthropologic group managed. so fyi.

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What makes you think I am paying any attention to Steve Kirsch? I am NOT a fundamentalist, which means I have no requirement to worship an external being and take everything they say as gospel truth. I read lots of people, I extract from what they say that which is of value to me and I discard the rest. Very very occasionally someone gives me the actual creeps, as several of the Wellness Company doctors do, but I do read what they write if I think their article is of potential interest (although I never watch their videos because of the physical revulsion, and two of them I cannot listen to either). Steve Kirsch is not one of the quislings on Substack who give me the creeps - there are MUCH worse masquerading as friends on this forum,

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go ask VSRF for their 1099s and see how they react. Ask on their forum what % of donated money goes to actual victims and what goes into the Admin fund of running VSRF. WayneBGood (what a name), is not open, nor a free speech proponent. He deleted my comments after i posed these questions. This is an fyi to you and your readers.

Sage hana and Charles wright write on this topic. CETF is Rockefeller managed. Kirsch PUSHED fluvoxamine for covy, an ssri drug. good grief. Breggins has covered the problems with psych drugs. Kirsch is not to be trusted nor his moderator. Stevie likes OneID for centralized passwords. I can go on and on about this. Tech Bros in Silicon "silly" Valley are not to be trusted. end of story.

Edit: SK & digi - ID - https://lagatapolitica.substack.com/p/steve-kirsch-the-king-of-digital

Stay Healthy my friend

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I believe the largest group in this fight of virus / no virus is a third one - "don't care" and you've described the reason pretty well.

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You said this? 👉 "But do we need to know if there is something called a virus? No we don’t".

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Great work as usual Christine and thank you for your time and effort. I wonder if the Australian Aboriginals had a natural cure for parasites other than gumbi gumbi ?

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This article is highly informative. Many of us a searching for ways to reverse covid/ mRNA damage.

I have questions, because I want to know more. I feel like a victim of information overload when it comes to Covid damage reduction protocols. I don’t know which information is the best to follow.

What are the best natural anti-parasitics? What anti-parasitic medicines can I find, foraging, in the forest? Are medicines like ivermectin more powerful than things in this article, like elderberry or apricot pits?

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Check into the various members of the artemisia--PubMed offers a good number of highly informative articles on them, on their anti-parasitic aspects.

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????? You'll be OK as long as you stay away from the 💉

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For everyone reading this apart from Joseph...

(Joseph, go away, I am not concerning myself with you)

...please be aware that it is now proven that the unvaxxed are coming down with many of the same deadly afflictions as the vaxxed. Shedding is now being taken very seriously. For those who think they are impervious because they did not get the shots, think again. You are not. Make sure you have the resources you will need on hand if you get sick. I did not and I am paying the price.

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I’m focusing on my mold biotoxin illness, using Ritchie Shoemaker protocol. Heavy metal detox helped that and morgellons. I have chronic/ systemic inflammatory response syndrome. Sensitive to everything unnatural. Sorry I don’t have more to offer

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Virology is on trial here.Gaz is correct.Virology is a long debunked $Trillion fraud. I was going to write a very long reply to your reply to Gaz but I'll be going forever so instead I highly recommend everyone who's reading this, search watch and share..... Bitchute The End Of Germ Theory.....It's a 2hr 40min fully historically documented evisceration of the fraudulent science behind Germ Theory. Alleged contagious pathogenic viruses have never ever been proven to exist EVER. The burden of proof lies with Virology because it makes the claim .This is important because these criminals will keep coming back with more of the same.Cheers.

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Please have the courtesy to read my article before you reply so inappropriately to it. No, virology is not on trial in this article. Write and publish your own article and you can argue what you like. This article is NOT about whether viruses do or don't exist.

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It should be. It's the only game in town. They've left the door slightly ajar and it needs to be taken advantage of and kicked right open. Vaccines have killed and maimed millions since and including Jenner, who was another charlatan who had to buy his med degree. This needs to be tackled head on or we're condemning future generations to the same thing. "Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it" , George Santayana.

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Thats your battle, not mine. You cannot control what I prioritise. My job is to keep people like me alive.

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There is no such proven thing as Viruses or Covid. But the poison jab, unfortunately, is very real.

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This article is NOT about whether viruses do or don't exist. Frankly, I don't care less.

The fight between the two camps is destructive and must stop. Maybe I have to say it more clearly. The fight between the two camps is counterproductive and must stop.

It is not helping us to work out what is wrong with those people who got sick, which includes both the vaxxed and the UNVAXXED, and is not helping us to work out how to remedy what ails us.

Millions, both vaxxed and unvaxxed, are going to die in the next few years of complications from "the frankenbug" that has afflicted all of us. If that concerns you, then are you interested in investigating how we cut that death toll a little? That's what this article is about, escaping the deadlock and getting on with saving lives.

So lets help the natural allies find their common ground again so that they can stop fighting one another and start managing "the frankenbug".

That's what this article is about - caring about how to keep the living alive.

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There ain't no frankenbug, just the poison injections.

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I had something called morgellons. Clifford Carnicom calls it cross domain bacteria. With all the messing around the power hungry evildoers are doing to the food, air& “ medicine “, I believe it’s man made (abominations). I just stick with bio weapon.

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As I understand it, these "cross domain" life forms have a biological component along with plastics and metals. I am gambling on anti-parasitics being able to destroy the biological component of what I am calling the "frankenbugs" leaving the plastics and metals floating around ready to be detoxed. See my various articles on the frankenbugs.

Out of interest, I note you used the word "had" in relation to morgellons. How did you fix it?


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Probably still have it, symptoms improved greatly after a heavy metal detox by Metagenics, clear renu with my dr. And I moved to a place with reverse osmosis water. I do a lot of gentle detox supplements for biotoxin mold illness. Seems to help. Morgellons was challenging because it seemed to adapt to most things that gave relief, very hard to explain.

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I believe Ivermectin originated with a soil fungus or mushroom from a native environment with soil that was teeming with various parasitic organisms, so it developed its antiparasitic properties to survive in that environment. This might also be a root of truth to much of herbal folklore, where the cure grows nearby the cause. Not to say that this would apply to pathogens affecting only humans, but might be true for pathogens that affect other life forms generally.

I rather doubt the pharma synthetics work as well as the natural plants, as the scientists wouldn't necessarily be able to identify the active properties, and those properties might not be effective in isolation. The trick with natural herbal healing is the dosage, and I'm still quite inexperienced, but I've been studying it more in recent years.

Keep us posted on your progress with this.

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Yes, on a simple level, "studies have shown" that whole turmeric is more effective than the curcurmin that is distilled from turmeric. There are obviously other active elements that work together.

The other dosage problem we have is that each plant will have a different level of phyto-chemicals based on soil, climate and a host of other factors. One batch of the whole plant could be vastly different from another batch of the same plant. I have just started researching the anthocyanin content of different plants. There are lots of different types of anthocyanins so are they all toxic to cancer cells? Then different plants have different concentrations of different anthocyanins, so how different are apricot kernels to elderberries, for example? This research just has not been done (in a clear way) as yet because there is no money in these products.

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In my artemisia investigation, I discovered that traditional Chinese medicine uses the stems, flowers, and leaves--the whole above ground plant. Western chemists did experiments on the leaves alone. Didn't find much value to health in their studies, so (as I recall) decided the plant was not of value.

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Mar 2
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Makes perfect sense to me. But I've read and understand Proton magic's articles.

Here's his comment:

A virus is said to be a replication competent intracellular parasite with protein coat and genetic material used to design its replication and ability to leave the host cell and invade other cells. This is the definition and the finding of such requires an actual object that is characterized. In order to find this kind of object it needs to be separated from everything else (purified-isolated by centrifuge) and characterized. Neither an EM photo of mixed and dead objects of unknown provenance, cell culture of mixed things that break down cells (whether or not patient fluid is added), nor letters printed from a computer erroneously called a “genome”, finds an actual object. Some like to say the genomes are homologous with prior viruses, but when you look into those, they also have never been isolated-characterized either.

more: https://protonmagic.substack.com/p/the-virus-rouse-going-going-gonzo

I expect to be discounted in the comment by OP as well.

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Peter. Please re-read what I wrote. You have completely missed my point.

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Fair enough. It's a Individual perspective (Let's heal the damaged ones with natural stuff, and with stuff that works asap) vs. Societal Perspective (Let's help people understand Allopathic fraud, how much and what it is).

I'm a big fan of Broccoli sprouts for the high glucoraphanin content, Ginger, and Mate Tea (more polyphenols than Green Tea). Grilled sweet onions settle my stomach. For excellent breath, follow the onions with a cup of coffee! okay, maybe not. But you'll be rich in polyphenols -

(2018) Chlorogenic acid and diterpenes, improve cardiovascular function? - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5836016/ -

I will follow your journey. I lost an uncle after a turbo cancer a few months back, and am watching a family friend get wrecked by Liver and Stomach cancer (also short notice stage-4).

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I have been battling allopathic fraud my entire life and really did not expect to "get got" by the covid scam. There is something very real and very deadly about it, and it can get those of us who never touch a medical industry drug. I have done my bit and I am doing my bit now by trying to find alternative treatments to save my own life but also to save others. That really is enough.

I find most of the medical commentators on Substack entirely naive as they are still highly brainwashed by druggist medicine.

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You have added nothing of any value to the conversation. Try to keep you thoughts ordered. Paragraphs are useful for that. Develop one idea in a paragraph and use the first sentence of that paragraph to introduce that single idea. And try not to contradict yourself. Also, speculating about what another person really thinks rather than what they are actually saying is a total waste of time.

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Mar 27
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Please re-read what I wrote. You have completely missed my point.

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