Grace,s dad has a lot of wisdom to share in times like these


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Christine, you are obviously very hurt by the situation in which you find yourself. I do not believe for a moment that the answers you are looking for can be found with the medical profession, they are part of the problem. I do not believe the answer is with alternative sickness care either.

I believe Gizmo7 perhaps is starting to look in the right direction with an appeal to the God who created us, and who is waiting for us to call out to Him, in repentance for our rebellion and sinful ways. He is well able to heal all our diseases.

See Psalm 103v 1-6. Or Psalm 91 v 1-6

I do believe we need to be responsible in how we treat our bodies, as the temple of the living God who created us,, which to me means eating wholesome foods and exercising regularly.

There is a multitude of information available in how to maintain your body’s resistance to disease through nutrition, sunlight, sleep, and for many people I believe there is a place for some chiropractic maintenance, because if the imperative of a correctly functioning nervous system.

My prayer for you is that you look to God, who loves you, and desire only good for you. Blessings in Jesus name

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I think that we must always be aware of the fact that medicine is pharmacy, giant industry and we can't trust them .We are being poisoned by chem trails in our food,land, water ,COVID has caused the death of millions of people.Bill Gates Fauci ,Who Wef are all complicit in the genocide.They must be stopped,they are demon dictators against humanity.God help us all in the name of Jesus 🙏♥️🕊️.

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The future of healing rests in light and frequency, where it always was.

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Ultimately yes, A friend, while I was studying homeopathy, raised the question of whether or not homeopathy needs to be supported by “stuff”. Can it be necessary, if you are using something “energetic” to trigger change, that the body still needs help implementing that change? We did not reach an answer, and the question has stayed with me ever since.

However, I am fairly convinced, that, although the energetic change must happen for permanent health reversal, and we too often miss this component of a treatment, we must nonetheless support the body with “stuff” in the form of nutriments and phytochemicals, so it has the fuel to heal.

So the energetic to give it the momentum to heal, and “stuff” to give it the fuel to heal.

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