What about bio chemical poisons?

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That title says what's on every truth seekers mind, surely? Great title and summary.

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Not click-baity enough to get a high open rate. I don't do good headings - I want them to accurately reflect the article, not excite the emotions - bad habit on my part.

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I'm afraid I am not clever enough to read and understand your papers. Do you have a simple one line or one paragraph statement that you could make to help someone who is sick and needs to find more effective ways of treating their illness, with the view to actually getting well again? That's what my last two articles are all about - how do we sort out the mess and come up with healing protocols that actually work?

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In recent work published by Riccardo Benzi Cipelli et al. in the IJVRTP https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3030-8594 their group, using dark field microscopy, documents what appear to be major disruptions to normal blood zeta potential post-vaccination. In 94% of subjects, major agglomerations and other abnormalities were evident after the second injection. It bears noting here that Winey has shown consistent effects on Zeta Potential in colloids and other mixtures, including most recently, the expanded gelation of chia seeds in a quasi-colloidal system. If mRNA vaccines indeed do disrupt the delicate balance of repulsive like negative charges responsible for blood viscosity, then it seems impossible to overestimate the urgency of exploring counter measures to mitigate this potential ticking time bomb. Winey proposes both direct in vitro structuring of blood with torsion fields to see if zeta potential in damaged blood can be restored, and in vivo ingestion of water structured by torsion fields in subjects documented to have suffered zeta potential disruption. With the principle of first do no harm in operation, drinking water should be viewed as perhaps the safest of all possible in vivo study protocols. Abstract of the Cipelli paper: The use of dark-field microscopic analysis of fresh peripheral blood on a slide was once widespread in medicine, allowing a first and immediate assessment of the state of health of the corpuscular components of the blood. In the present study we analyzed with a dark-field optical microscope the peripheral blood drop from 1,006 symptomatic subjects after inoculation with an mRNA injection (Pfizer/BioNTech or Moderna), starting from March 2021. There were 948 subjects (94% of the total sample) whose blood showed aggregation of erythrocytes and the presence of particles of various shapes and sizes of unclear origin one month after the mRNA inoculation. In 12 subjects, blood was examined with the same method before vaccination, showing a perfectly normal hematological distribution. The alterations found after the inoculation of the mRNA injections further reinforce the suspicion that the modifications were due to the so-called "vaccines" themselves. We report 4 clinical cases, chosen as representative of the entire case series. Further studies are needed to define the exact nature of the particles found in the blood and to identify possible solutions to the problems they are evidently causing. References:

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Hi Timothy,

Good reference but the unjabbed have the same tech, polymers and similar health issues starting too.

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Jun 13·edited Jun 13Author

Matt (or Timothy), I am guessing you and your microscope are in America? I haven't really felt up to exploring the state of my blood and have preferred to assume I am not riddled with all the nasty stuff you guys are finding in the vaxxed, but I probably should know, if there is a way to find out. Is there some kind of test I can ask my helpful but not knowledgeable (about this stuff) doctor for, with some kind of instructions covering what they are looking for? Or is it all still too far outside mainstream to get any standard testing done?

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Hi Christine, I am in new zealand.

I your doc is not totally brain dead and willing to look you could ask for a a blood draw into a plain red top vacutainer tube ( no edta etc) , gently invert it 10 times to start the clotting reaction, let it stand for 20 minutes then centrifuge it for 25 minutes. This will show the level of polymer in your blood serum. He can then extract the solid plug that should be a straw colored liquid into a clip seal bag, squeeze out the excess serum and inspect the polymer slug that is now left behind.

I put these in a fresh clipseal bag as specimens for people to understand what we are dealing with today. you cannot break them no matter how hard you squeeze them. This is not normal. The doc will then understand.

Is it surprising that if we have this polymer throughout our body that cancers then explode and don't respond to normal treatments like they used to? Wouldn't they create anaerobic environments and also block traditional treatments for gaining access to the cancers? I am just an ordinary bloke but it doesn't seem like rocket science to me.

best of luck, matt

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Jun 14·edited Jun 14Author

Matt, I don't think it would be possible to get any doctor to actually do that with the blood. Most won't even touch you let alone handle your blood. I am getting much more from my current doctor than the previous 5, in terms of him being interested to look after me while I self-medicate - with liver function tests etc, but I don't think it would be wise to try to push him into handling blood. I don't think Australian GPs handle blood. Even when you go to get post operative wounds dressed, the nurses do it and they just look from a distance to see that the wound is clean.

Frankly I have been gambling on the idea of biofilm disruptors. We know that biofilm is, in the normal way, what stops us successfully treating infections, cancers and even some parasites, and they are built naturally by the bacteria, parasite or cancer trying to hide from the immune system. They are a weird composite of all sorts of bodily waste and are polymer like in nature and a number of foods we consume are able to break them down so the immune system can do its work.

What I have not been able to find out is if the man-made polymers apparently now in our system can also be disrupted by anything, and if so what. I have upped my consumption of biofilm disruptors for normal biofilm, as part of my anti-parasitic cancer protocol but who knows if they are touching the new, tougher versions of biofilm and whatever it is that is now forming in the blood.

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This is still shocking to read and see after 3 years..

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My last two articles are about the unvaccinated getting sick. They are not about the vaccinated. Your work seems to allude exclusively to those who had needles in their arms. Any theory that does not accommodate the unvaccinated getting sick in the same or similar ways to the vaccinated, cannot be correct. I am not jabbed. You could of course explain how we have been affected by shedding of something or other to do with the jabs, and so explain our illnesses that way, but I don't read you doing that.

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PS, Have you ever had an ESR test? Erythrocyte sedimentation rate? https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/sed-rate/about/pac-20384797

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No. Just reading about it now. My doctor ordered something called ESR, along with other tests for auto-immune disease. I presume ESR is the same as your "Sed rate". They all came back negative except the ESR test that was not done because they didn't have enough blood to do it. So it is back on my next pathology request. Not that the results will actually tell us how to fix the problem.

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Well, you have to accept several assumptions.

1. There is a virus,

2. The spike protein from the virus is what causes the kaleidoscope of illness associated with it.

3. The vaxxed shed said protein onto the unvaxxed who are also uninfected, making them sick too.

4. I contracted what many describe as ‘Covid’ in late 2019 in Spain. I nebulized DMSO, Colloidal Silver, Iodine and Hydrogen Peroxide, and seem to have no residual effects/illness.

5. I also drink structured water and have perfect blood.

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If we assume there is a virus with a nasty spike protein, where the virus causes the active phase of the disease and something to do with the spike protein causes the "long" phase of the disease, then it is possible that the two different phases of the disease have different treatments (although not necessarily). One common presumption is that early and effective treatment reduces the severity of disease. So with you, did you administer that treatment early in the active phase of the disease, late in the active phase and/or, later in the chronic phase?

The four chemicals you nebulised sound like a treatment for an active lung infection of some kind. So I may have recovered with no long term illness had I had access to this when I was in hospital with "covid" manifesting as bacterial pneumonia. On advice from a friend, I actually asked for a hydrogen peroxide nebuliser, and they eventually allowed me a saline nebuliser, but not hydrogen peroxide. So your recipe was never an option, even had I known about it at least during the first two weeks of what now ails me.

But that horse has bolted now. I was hospitalised, I smuggled in my own treatments, I got out alive which at my age was a lucky break, and then got very very sick. This is the case for most of us with long covid (and maybe long shedding but not long vax). So what comes next. We are now dealing with the long term, slow, genocide.

So is there an equivalent treatment for the chronic phase of the disease. Do we even know what the chronic phase is? Some say spike protein, some say ACE2 up or down-regulation, some say snake venom, some say parasites, some say man-made cross-domain pathogens, some say EMFs, some say graphene oxide, some say mRNA and lipid nanoparticles, some say hydrogel, etc etc etc. Can we even start to treat it if we don't know what it is?

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I use lumbro or nattokinase,combined with NAC, Ivermectin, organic bovine colostrum, nicotine tincture/patches and molecular hydrogen with good success in my Long Covid and post Vax patients.

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Yes, I began treating quite early. I'd say after 1 week.

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