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12 hrs agoยทedited 12 hrs agoLiked by Christine

Dealing with health issues is so damn draining. I'm impressed with your excellent detective skills and communication skills :-)

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13 hrs agoยทedited 13 hrs agoLiked by Christine

Funny how doctors blame genetics for just about everything, (as an excuse for not curing anything) and yet, they never do any genetic testing and know next to nothing about our genes.

None of them want to admit that the number one CAUSE of all deadly and disabling diseases we're suffering from are the vaccines they demand we be injected with. If you're entirely UNVACCINATED, your risk of ANY serious health condition (heart disease, cancer, diabetes, arthritis, etc.) is less than 0.1%. Compare that to a well over 50% risk if you've ever been exposed to ANY vaccines.

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Vaccines certainly exacerbate every issue, but even who is or is not affected by vaccines is probably determined genetically. I have only just admitted genes into my awareness, and instantly I understand why nothing is ever cured by current medical practices of all kinds - and I understand why medicine cannot adapt positively to the latest advances in the understanding of genes.

Our system of diagnostics is all wrong, utterly and entirely wrong. Everything we detect with our various diagnostic systems are nothing more than symptoms. Genes are behind everything, but if you and I have a similar problem with, for example, the MTHFR gene, we will NOT necessarily manifest the same "symptoms" based on our other genes. So you might manifest the symptoms of heart failure while I may manifest the symptoms of cancer, each resulting from the same base genetic issue, that our systems cannot efficiently methylate vitamin B9! You would cure your "disease" with the same treatment that I would cure my disease with, methylated B9 supplementation, despite their enormous differences. This is of course, an oversimplification, because if this one MTHFR gene has such significance, so do others, and I have barely started to wrap my head around what they are. Its a massive and very complex area of study, but for the medical professionals who do wrap their heads around it, all they have to do to "diagnose" their customers is run a genetic report through a computer program and come out with genetic anomalies that have known health effects. From there, they can work out how to accommodate those anomalies so they do not harm - or at least, much less harm. Medicine becomes entirely about accommodating and supporting genes rather than diagnosing and treating diseases - a very radical shift.

It's not just treatments that become redundant once you incorporate genetics, it is diagnostics on which the entirely of both allopathic and naturopathic medicine is dependent.

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There's a reason that gene has a vulgar name :-)

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I struggle to remember the MTHFR. It is much easier to add vowels according to one's own design. Some read it as MotherFather. There are other options. ;-)

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Yes, the other option always makes me laugh!

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Sep 19Liked by Christine

Very interesting that the 2 herbs that you were consuming seemed to cure or at least suppress the Fibromyalgia. Just curious at that time if you were taking anything else for the FMS and in hind sight were you consuming stuff that you now know was making the Fibromyalgia worse?

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24 hrs agoยทedited 24 hrs agoAuthor

I did not have a diagnosis at that time. I had gone through times when I could not bush walk, but simply forgot all about it during the 10 years of those two underestimated herbs. I don't think my diet changed that much before, during and after those 10 years, but who can tell. Maybe my vegetables had higher levels of folate! ChatGPT has done a good job of sorting out why Lecithin works, but is not quite so convincing regarding the herbs. It can take a while to bully it past its obvious requirement for political correctness, and of course, nothing good can ever be said about tobacco, and only CBD, not THC, can be recommended.

I have gone through so many enforced dietary changes over the years, and frankly, I don't think that any of them made blind bit of difference to the FMS - except on one occasion I was bullied by an alternative doctor into giving up dairy, and the symptoms got so bad over the 4 months of my compliance, that I could no longer get out of bed. I got a friend to bring me some milk, drank the lot and within 10 minutes was moving again. Either saturated fat or choline or Vitamin A could be the reason.

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