I remember as a child my sister used to eat the whole apple, seeds and all. Maybe later in life we knew about the seeds but she's still alive and always been fit. She used to often eat the orange peel as well off an orange which I did myself sometimes. Now I'm sure they will be too highly sprayed to do that. When we were little most of our oranges probably came from Spain as we were in Scotland. I don't know what spraying went on then. Theres so much been hidden from us with regard to cancer with many potential 'natural' cures being banned over the years. The recent revelations about ivermectin and fenbenzadole being another case in point.

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Farming sheep in the 70’s, topical cancer was a very big problem in Australia’s outback. Constantly being exposed to a blistering sun. With the introduction of ivermectin into the parasite control program we began to see a reduction in the number sheep getting topical cancer.

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As a kid in Oz I always use to eat the nuts inside The Sandalwood and Quandong trees after eating the flesh. After trying apricot seed, I thought I may as well go back to eating the bush nuts cause they tasted exactly the same.

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Yes, apple pits as well.

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This is really good information, Christine. I have both of those books at home though I only read the Hulda Clark one - about 25 years ago or more! Thank you for making this information available. :-) How crazy is it that safe, natural products and books about them are restricted, but access to poisonous drugs that are ineffective and kill people are readily available? Our world is upside down!

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