Thank you and God bless you🌹

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Aug 18Liked by Christine

I try to make sure I'm adding value and not noise, so sorry if this suggestion is a little noisy. I believe that stem cells can help mitochondrial function, but I honestly don't know any of the details of how that works. Using an oxygen concentrator to breathe air with a higher percentage of oxygen increases stem cells, and I have done that and felt like it improved my health. For details on these ideas, please look up Marc Girardot and The Bolus Theory Series. I believe the most relevant article on his stack is titled something like "Is there a simple effective cure". I wanted to add this because at least in the USA, it can be affordable to "rent" an oxygen concentrator month by month.

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Looks great to me but since I don't *seem* to be experiencing this (lol) I'd find the costs just way too high on my flimsy little pensions.

Wish I'd ever made enough money to save when I WAS able to work.

Thanks for all of your great suggestions and hope you're feeling better Christine.

PS, I have just started the HRT protocol as of yesterday! Look forward to some RESULTS! LOL. Take care.

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The HRT protocol? If that is hormone replacement therapy, then there are lots of variants. What results are you looking for.

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Yes, I forgot you can't look back and see my previous comment, duh! LOL

Anyhow I've started https://www.biovea.com/ca/en/product/detail/5074/estriol-cream-progesterone-cream-value-pack/ for post menopausal issues. All the reviews seem to address my issues. Got the site from a nurse.

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I used this product for a while, but then I realised my hot flashes were toxic reaction to diesel fumes, and that San Pellegrino mineral water cut through the reaction. I just kept a bottle of water with me at all times, but particularly when I was driving, and that was that. https://ausflowers.com.au/search?q=menopause

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Aug 16Liked by Christine

Perhaps someone need research or study exactly 'HOW' the Asian populations who were bombed with nuclear levels of radiation have survived through diet etc.

People often focus on the Mediterranean Diet, yet here was a specific isolated group which one rarely hears or reads about the use of diet during recovery from that time?

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Many years ago I recall reading about the measures that were taken in Japan - to do with their seaweed based diet I think, and also what was done in Ukraine after Chernobyl. This was all pre-internet and I have no idea now, how we got the education we did get on "current events".

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Interesting. The Russians seem to have survived Chernobyl quite well too. In addition ALL of us on at least the NA west coast have to have experienced *something* from Fukushima and yet there's been almost nothing published on it that I've seen. Still many continue to live fairly healthily.

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