Apr 25Liked by Christine

On a different tack, I wonder if the increased infections that vaccinated children have is because of increase in biofilm and/or some inhibition of the biofilm disruptors. Is something in the vacs causing such disruption as increased infective illnesses is common.

Thank you for provoking thought.

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When reading this post the mention of vinegar reminded me of another compound that had interested me before but for another purpose. I searched triacetin with biofilm but have not spent much time sorting through the results. I did find this however.


: and this


I don't know if this is helpful or just distracting clutter.


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Apr 18·edited Apr 18Liked by Christine

Cyril Scott's Cider Vinegar just arrived! Thank you, Christine. And his dedication is to Dr. D.C. Jarvis--that's the Vermont country doctor I referred to in previous comment, who put my parents onto cider vinegar and honey.

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That toothpaste looks awesome but I roll my eyes out loud over the price. And I used to make my own toothpaste till I got lazy. It tasted pretty good!

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I really think you are on to something here Christine and yes, I think 5G might well fortify the biofilm. I imagine those that created this attack on humanity have a way to protect themselves. Maybe they know all about biofilm disrupters. I wonder if they have something that protects against the electromagnetic too?

It would make sense that the biotech would work best in an environment where there’s a film to ease passage and assembly …

It would be great if you could liaise with a researcher to get more evidence …

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Apr 18Liked by Christine

Hi! I don't have information on biofilms, but I did realize that I had some info that might be helpful to you. I believe that there are alternative cancer protocols that use systemic enzymes so that might be a rabbit hole worth jumping down. I've used systemic enzymes to help lessen the symptoms of an autoimmune condition. Please note that they can be expensive supplements (but not ridiculously so), and it's one of those things where you have to read the labels a bit to find the good ones. In the US, I buy Enzymedica, but any brand that had a similar formation is probably equally effective.

Also, diet-wise, I suggest that you look up Dr. Gundry's books--they've been mainstream bestsellers. What's hard with his books is that his way of eating can be hard and expensive and not every thing he recommends eating or says "don't eat" works for every person (for example, I don't do well with olive oil which he recommends in large amounts). My experience is that if you cut your diet down to wild fish, pastured eggs, nuts and good seeds (without lectins), sweet potatoes, a little bit of fruit and properly cooked beans (pressure cooked), you can get amazing results. Just plan on eating all your own food at home before you go out to a restaurant with friends LOL. The theory behind his "diet" is very interesting and worth a read imho.

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I have a feeling it’s the biofilm that chlorine dioxide destroys. I know it’s not your thing but it makes sense why it can ‘cure’ so many ailments.

In regards to lyme disease there’s something about copper that people with lyme disease can’t tolerate ... They can’t wear copper jewellery. Probably not relevant but just wanted to mention,

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I have just blocked Toni Jean because she would not let up on preaching her "you're an idiot" line, first to me and then to many who have commented on this conversation. I am happy to discuss anything, but when I refer someone to an article I have written on just that topic and they will not even read it, as far as I am concerned, we are dealing with trolling, not genuine information seeking and exchange. If anyone else felt badgered by her, you can feel safe again. She is banned.

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I believe most plants are full of antibacterial componds. Most of it is found in either the roots, or in the thin layer under the peel or bark, seems like.

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When considering biofilms look into serapeptase and wobenzyme and similar products. Enzymes help to break down biofilm.

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Apr 16Liked by Christine

I hadn't yet seen this post, scrolled through my substacks to find one of yours so to post comment about this paper on stinging nettles--https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6100552/#B79-molecules-23-01664 . I have nettles and parsley in the dehydrator now, more nettles waiting their turn.

My uninformed bet would be that single element, e.g., VIt. C, would not work as well on its own, against biofilms, as it would in combination--reading quite a number of PubMed articles this winter, on the herbs in my gardens, brings me to that suspicion. Further, in the mid-60's, my mother read a book by a Vermont country doctor, a Dr. Jarvis, who touted the value of a daily glass of apple cider vinegar and honey in water. My mother--ever conscious of her weight, drank the vinegar water, but got my father to drink the cider and vinegar. Don't remember if they noticed any benefit.

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Apr 16Liked by Christine

I am a little familiar with(at least the term) biofilms. I have had chronic Lyme disease as a diagnosis for just over ten years. I don’t follow much of anything Lyme related these days (I still have it but am overwhelmed with the treatment choices,$$ and sliding health issues)but periodically I duck my head back in to see what’s happening. My ability to recall what I’ve seen the Lyme community suggest for biofilm disruption is hazy. But I know it was a huge issue at one point with the usual differing opinions and recommendations. I don’t think my response is helpful but I felt like at least chiming in to offer something.

By the way I am very much enjoying your writing and your intense work to discover what may help your own situation. Your ability to express your journey so well has very much kept me interested.

God bless you in your efforts and help you in your trials♥️

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I heard from a functional medicine doctor friend that Neem’s active ingredient is bio-identical to the active molecular structure of Ivermectin’s active ingredient— and good news! Need is a biofilm disrupter.


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