The kidneys will get impacted by synthetic biology. Don't forget "fasting" for autophagy as well as chelators (garlic, onion, cilantro as well as calcium-disodium-EDTA enteric or IV coated: Dr. Ana work).

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Prayers for your full recovery Christine. Thank you for sharing your experience and knowledge to help others.

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Sharing it with others helps me feel less pointless.

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I wrote a post with some points about your post and also the Ivermectin adverse risk cautions. https://denutrients.substack.com/p/ivermectin-precautions-butyrate-biofilm?sd=pf

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I would like to work with you on your project Christine. There is too much for you to learn for efficiency.

Artemisinin, naringenin and curcumin are all helping as metal chelators too - point 4 and 5.

Artemisinin has been one of my go-to's ever since I caught early outbreak illness in March 2020. I heavily used citrus peel fresh when I was sick. It is a source of naringenin and many other citrus phytonutrients that have anti-microbial, metal chelating, and anti-inflammatory effects. BUT citrus peel is a problem ingredient for anyone with overactive Mast cells or histamine excess so they would need to use others like the oregano oil.

Butyrate is critical as the gut microbiome is destroyed by spike and our colon cells need butyrate but eating enough zinc and resistant starches would be better along with pomegranate peel to help promote the beneficial species that make butyrate and which spike kills. See my site jenniferdepew.com for two long webpages about Butyrate and Resistant Starch. I noted that connection in 2020 when a Bubble Tea meme was being circulated as a joke. I didn't think it was a joke, I thought it was likely a legitimate correlation suggesting a causal link. Dr. Sabine Hazan proved the causal link by showing that CoV was killing bifidobacteria preferentially. Pomegranate peel helps them preferentially. And they need about 30% of the zinc that we eat each day (if we are eating enough of it) otherwise they starve and bad species flourish.

This is a huge topic and your nice list is very useful. My document has my list of therapeutic goals for CoV spike issues and it is longer than your list and not exactly the same in level of summary. A collaboration could make both of our projects better.

My Protocol Collation - it isn't a beautiful finished ebook, but is a useful draft. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RmdgbxBUuJa9nFUmCfSoZdnEB8EPc181WOvhGakAKTU/edit?usp=sharing

*and please don't take this negatively. Yes, collating protocols is needed and that is why I tried to do it but it is too large a project really for one person and I wasn't getting much support. I moved on to other writing projects but have been working on a course idea with some of the book draft.

And again please don't be mad at me. I have been working on the same type of project goal ever since I got sick in 2020. And I shared artemisinin and citrus and pomegranate peel and zinc, etc, etc, BUT the censorship and heckling is so bad that my work is treated as a joke or ignored by medical proponents probably because that is what they know.

Addition - This handout/ebook by Lauren Geertson looks like a good attempt at providing guidance in an encyclopedia style for a wide range of symptoms or conditions. I haven't checked more of her linked work but the overview info seems correct and helpful. She allows sharing as it is also a pitch document for her other services but it contains useful summaries. My copy of the pdf: https://ln5.sync.com/dl/feba9cd50/zy68mhzg-fs3vpvtu-gcwixa8p-7wjgx36j Her website where it could be downloaded for free: EmpoweredSustenance.com

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Ah Jennifer, I suspect you have come in late in my series on this topic and don't know the context. This is not a "project" to me. This is life or death. Since I got what was called covid in 2022, I have been behind the action. I have become sick before I have any idea what the therapy for that sickness is. I started with "covid" whatever that is - we still don't know. I came out of hospital with diabetes, went on to long covid, then shingles, then melanoma, now breast cancer, and at every step I have had to make decisions before I am ready on how to handle this stranger's body I am now inhabiting - from a baseline of isolation and lower than normal intellectual functioning.

It is all very well to be critical of the protocols out there because NONE of them works as it is claimed to work. But for those of us caught with no holistic medical help and having to self-medicate, we have to do something. Even if it is risky and likely to fail, we have no choice. In Australia, no-one has come out of the closet to offer help to people like me. If they did, they cannot bulk bill, I cannot pay their prices, so there is NO, that is ZERO support in the decision making process.

The protocols I have collected on my stack are those I have found AND applied to myself. They are not theoretical, they are ALL I HAVE available to save my own life. And I am very very aware of their limitations. We all are. Just lurk on the fenben and iver FB groups to see how much confusion there is out there.

The protocols are cobbled together with ingredients that are sometimes incompatible and that may neutralise one another.

They have missing ingredients that are necessary for the whole soup to work.

Many of the protocols contain prescription drugs that we cannot access in Australia so we have to import from overseas, from countries with lax regulations. We actually have no idea, even if it is labelled ivermectin or fenbendazole or hydroxychloroquine, whether that is what it really is, or even how contaminated it is.

Then a product in the protocol we are illegally using is repeatedly intercepted by customs so we cannot continue with the protocol we have, rightly or wrongly, chosen. So we are forced to move on to another protocol that we can access and get reliable stocks of. That's what moved me from a fenben and iver based protocol to an artemisinin based protocol - no better reason than that I could actually source all the ingredients, and apparently fairly reliably.

Can you see how abandoned this marketplace is and how we are decision making based on a whim and/or market availability? How can we, in this century, be forced through this charade, at the gamble that if we get it wrong, we are dead? Those are pretty high stakes.

It is in that context that I have decided to learn about the component functions of a protocol, and the ingredients in the protocols that fulfill those functions. We need to know how they work together synergistically, because there is little doubt that any product that works or helps a product work, WILL be taken off the market at some stage in the near future. We need to know how and why they work so that we can patch together a variation in the protocol when (not if) we lose a core product.

That's the reality.

When it comes to Ivermectin protocols specifically not working, let's just look at what we need to understand.

Is the product labelled ivermectin actually ivermectin? This is a very real issue for anything you are buying on the black market. And if you are getting the horse paste, are the fillers toxic for humans?

Is the strength that is labelled on the packet, the actual strength, and even if it is, are you taking the correct dose? There is lots of conflicting information on dose.

Are you taking the correct dose for the correct duration? The protocols are most definitely over optimistic in how fast they expect these products to work.

Are you using the product for an ailment it is actually able to treat? There are many different parasites and many different cancers. Which ones is ivermectin effective with?

Is ivermectin water soluble or fat soluble? There is contradictory information on the web about this point, so are you taking it in the right conditions where the body can use it or are you pooping it straight out? Despite my best efforts, I still don't know if ivermectin is fat or water soluble.

Is ivermectin a biofilm disruptor, or is there a biofilm disruptor in your protocol that is appropriate to the type of biofilm you are trying to disrupt (cancer, parasites, bacteria all build different biofilm, I think) so that the poison can work?

Is your liver functioning well enough to transport the waste products out of your body, presuming the protocol is working, or does the protocol include support for your liver and other aspects of detox that is effective?

You can see from this list, which I am sure is only a partial list, that Ivermectin could be the best drug in the world for a particular ailment, but it could still fail if all of the above conditions are not met.

In the meantime, what is theoretical to you is life and death to me.

Currently I am using an artemisinin protocol (for no better reason than that my ivermectin ran out) that, in hindsight, does seem to be well designed. But I am still working on it and have a long way to go, particularly at the detox level. And I have no idea how long to use if for.

Meanwhile, the fenbendazole I am using on top of the artemisinin protocol (are they even compatible, who the hell knows?) does punch about an hour in every day, about an hour after I take it, where I am physically functional enough to stand for long enough to cook or wash dishes and sometimes even both. You take your victories where you find them.

Meanwhile, the nicotine patches have brought my brain back out of hiding so I am actually able to do this study and write these articles. In fact, my brain is functioning better than it has for many years, thank you Bryan Ardis. You take your victories where you find them.

All that having been said, I will make contact with you in the chat and see if there is a way we can collaborate, you with your theoretical approach and me with my "if I get this wrong I die" approach.

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Let me try again. Great job! That is a lot of work to gather on your own because you are ill. It is wonderful to be proactive in this dangerous era when hospitals tend to make you worse of kill you.

.And ...been there done that and I wrote you a long ebook because I think it is criminal medical homicide happening and I don't support that as a health practitioner so I work long hours and give away my work. Hoping that proactive people will listen and help themselves. I am not your enemy.

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I am going to have to read that backwards too. I got sick in March 2020 and then passive exposure relapse from my parents jabs. My protocol was built on what worked for me and then I double checked it with the others circulating in 2020/2021. I haven't continued to follow the expanded market now but I assure you. I wrote my protocol document because I had the silly idea that people wanted to get healthy. But they didn't want to read much or only want a poll to swallow.

What is needed are done major modern lifestyle changes. Modern life is inflammatory and spike just makes that worse.

*Just finished reading a huge article.

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Some of us were already doing everything right (or at least, to a decent degree) and still got sick. Lifestyle changes are not going to fix what is wrong with me. Would you recommend lifestyle changes to someone who has been poisoned with arsenic? So why recommend lifestyle changes to someone who has been poisoned by a bio-weapon designed to kill them? We have to deal with the bioweapon FIRST.

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...because you used to be healthy and your body could handle the modern life issues but now your body is damaged and it can no longer handle the total load so reducing any and all extra stressors on the body is going to help with the recovery process and relapse prevention.

Happy Easter by the way.

This is autoimmune disease plus other issues and autoimmune disease is for life - you are never going to be able to rewind the calamity of the CoV bioweapon all the way back. Sadly. Grieving is normal and anger is part of that. BUT you take artemisinin - that is treating spike issues and inflammation, so you are treating it in part. Nattokinase or serrapeptase should be in an anti-spike self-care protocol as biofilm disruptors to use your therapy goal lingo. One of my today posts is in response to your post and includes those. I did add the link here.

My protocol includes lots of spike specific treatments - but the lifestyle stuff counts. It just does. And by that I mean EMF from laptops, cellphones, bad wiring, your TV, etc; unstructured water and processed foods; glyphosate and messed up magnesium and vitamin D metabolism; fluoride/bromide and lack of iodine; ... I have things to do besides retype my tips. You could just look at my links. I was just offering help.

The simpler question to ask yourself is "Would I like free help from a health professional who has been ill and recovered from the same thing that I have?"

Then feel free to chat if you want.

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Jennifer, I am sure you are very knowledgeable, but your writing is not "accessible". That is, you are either not addressing the issue of the day, or you are making it all too complicated. You can be as insulting as you like about people wanting quick fixes, but the reality is that people who are dying NEED at least comprehensible, simple to apply, quick fixes.

I am illustrating how one apparently terminally ill person, ME, is dealing with the information that is available to me and that I have both the brain power and the money to apply. Your information from that link you gave is not "accessible". You have to tell a sick person exactly what to do and exactly how to do it or we will not be able to grasp it through the brain fog. It was not your information that got me out of the brain fog. In fact, I had no idea your file existed. It was a video from Bryan Ardis that got me out of the brain fog so I could take the next steps and a video from Lee Merritt that confirmed we are dealing with bio-weapons that are parasitic in nature.

Any steps in the journey I take from here MUST "accommodate" and respect EVERYTHING I have done in the past, or it is useless to me. I cannot go back and start again, conforming myself to what someone else imagines I should be or do. I have a draw full of pills that I will use before I buy the next load, and hopefully I will refine my personal protocol as I go. But I cannot ditch it all and start again - I don't have the money.

So please allow me to help you be realistic about what people like me can and cannot do. You can at least learn that from me.

I am not challenging your knowledge base and I am not trying to establish my own authority over you. You win. You are the best. I am stupid. I am doing lots of stuff wrong. But them's the breaks. You are not offering help. You are publicly dumping on me and that's not nice.

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Whatever I said has been taken way out of the realm that I intended it. I understand that people want easier material and that is why I made little meme lists of my Basic and Extended stack ideas. I give a lot of ideas so people can pick and choose what will work for them and will fit in their budget. I focus fairly extensively on what you can buy at a grocery store - FDA can't ban those things. Collaboration is about sharing and teamwork. It is not about one person being superior or dumping on another. And my apologies for misunderstanding that your protocol is for you. My protocol collation was for general use like a Consumer Reports summary of highlights and variations and maybe gaps in various protocols and I moved onto other projects but recently have been reworking some of that text into a new format.

If you could please take a step back from whatever you have been imagining about me and consider that I have worked through similar CoV issues and would like to reach more people with accessible info about what can help - and that means I need help. I tend to overwhelm with info - true - and I try to streamline it but you didn't seem to look at the shorter graphics as stand alone info that could have been copied or printed from the longer work.

Spike issues are very complex and collating all the info about what might help as a reference for anyone's use is a big job - I know because I tried, but 'failed' to produce something people liked and I moved on because shouting at the wind in Twitter shadow ban land is not my style. If you are interested in talking about CoV care topics, I have info on the subject. Histamine excess is an important topic that is not directly about 'treating spike' but it needs to be addressed if present. It can greatly affect mood and anxiety to a paranoia level or reckless mania - extremes of whatever mood is present can occur.

I am glad you are feeling better and I recognize that getting well for someone with brain fog or other mental symptoms is hard because I had to do it - from a place of suicidal urges too. Histamine excess can cause suicide/homicide at extremes and seems related to akathisia medication injury. It seems to happen to some LongCovid people too.

I strongly believe in Equal Opportunity in the old school sense of equality. I am interested in collaborating with others on online course creation in the short user friendly format that is seen these days. I have something in the works that would include health care recovery or prevention tips.

I would ask that you take some deep breaths, or a walk, - a little distance and consider whether isolating yourself from other input is the best approach to learning more about selfcare for bioweapon recovery.

I used nicotine for recovery before Bryan Ardis was talking about it. Tau Braun was talking about it first. It did help and I did need it to recover in addition to all the other things I was doing from CoV early outbreak. Jab version is worse and does spread passively from jabbed people to unjabbed people. That is being ignored or dismissed but it is real and will cause relapses. I had to isolate from busy locations before I stopped relapsing as often. Jabbed people are a risk to others peaking at about 2 weeks post jab and lasting at least 2 months to 4 months and maybe indefinitely.

This is really bad. Your recovery is important. Others need help too. A collated protocol for general use is a good project goal. Kudos for working on it.

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WOW I can't share a screenshot but I will have to include in my upcoming post -- actually I'll make it a note so I can do fast -- and I will tag you. The part you posted about the "irreversible attachment of bacteria" -- the lifecycle of bacteria image from Dr. Jockers.

I bet this is how they planned hydrogel which would hold the graphene mesh! I will share.

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It's like they built a synthetic version of this.

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Oh my goodness! What an insight!

I am embarrassed to admit that I had never heard of biofilm until you pointed it out, thank you! How could I have missed this? I am about to write another post, just about how 4 biofilm disruptors taken together might have "cured" what ailed me in 2022 when I was hospitalised with what was called covid.

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You are not alone. I never heard of biofilm until 2 years ago.

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I'm about to publish a humorous meme post. Then I will get down to the dirty business of talking about Charles Lieber and his evil patents. It's so dark. Thank God we have each other.

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I am impressed with the information you are presenting. You are the first to show me clearly how bacteria defeats the body's natural defenses.

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Interesting, isn't it. I find it very empowering to understand these processes. It gives me more confidence in the protocols I am using and in my ability to beat this.

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Oh my gosh Christine -- you are amazing! Looking forward to reading this. I'm running out to an egg hunt this morning but I will read this afternoon! Hugs!

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