I think you will find that all these ailments are caused by frequency modulation equipment & noy by parasitic infestations.

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Or both, the frequencies impacting on parasite reproduction, which has been proven.

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No worries, increase the amount gradually, the body adapts, if done too quickly your body will speak loud enough via symptoms: the big 'D',nausea, etc!

Agree not even our roses smell as sweet...

Our 'improved' farmers market:

3 veggie stands, I ( Amazon feed fed egg vendor) the rest,

'Artisan' breads, cookies, sandwiches etc. 🤓

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Jun 18Liked by Christine

Perhaps the that may be why one requires a variety of real foods?

Contemplate a moment. If one follows nature, when certain foods ripen, do they follow a 'nutritional' guide line so to speak?

Citrus/ fruits highly available during warm weather?

The body requires lots of energy to maintain homeostasis in warm/ hot weather? Lots of citrus, berries, in fall more substantial storable :tomatoes etc.

Who knows...

Many items which have been chemically treated/ waxed/ Gen tic ally modified are

available in stores for 12 month many years now...

Consider the humble apple?

In my youth, these were tasty and seasonal at a grocers. Now, pretty AND pretty tasteless..


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Canned or freeze dried by you during h arvest time is about the only way to go now a days. I have alot of very expensive dehydrated beef from TX all natural, no jabs. I am working on the rest - the veggies etc. Amazingly hard to do. Am thinking I need to go to farms in Brooksville etc and harvest, bring home and freeze dry or dehydrate or can/jar. Water baths even.. I wish I could find those who could/would teach this, but it is so hard to find like minded round me!

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Jun 18·edited Jun 18Author

Yes, exactly. I know my own dietary range now is poor compared with the diet I was raised with. I was raised in post-war England. Our back garden grew the more expensive food including lots of fruit trees and vines including raspberries, blackberries, black currants, gooseberries etc and I could usually pick myself something to eat. In addition, my father had two allotments where he grew the bigger cheaper crops. And that was when food still tasted like food. It is the medicines that have been bred out of food. Consider the smell of tomatoes. The smell is poisonous but I love it - but how often does a tomato smell any more, even the growing plants have lost their smell. I bet that smell is actually a medicine although I have no idea for what. I just know my body wants it.

I love it when I brainstorm - I just looked up what the strong smell in tomatoes is, and the answer is probably terpenoids, so what are the medicinal properties of terpenoids?

"What are terpenoids used for in medicine?

Revisiting the Medicinal Value of Terpenes and Terpenoids ...

A broad range of the biological properties of terpenoids includes cancer chemo-preventive effects, antimicrobial, antifungal, antiviral, anti-hyperglycemia, anti-inflammatory, anti-parasitic activities and memory enhancers."

No wonder I love it! Now I just have to work out how to use it medicinally. (The only tomatoes I buy are the black tomatoes (Kumatos) that still smell strongly so I am part way there.) And here we go again. Curcumin is a terpenoid. Full circle. I am thinking of taking a very high level of turmeric (9 grams per day for 7 days) to kill the parasite that causes toxoplasmosis if I test positive for it, in the hope that it might fix the fibromyalgia. That dose has successfully treated toxo in mice, but it is a huge dose and has never apparently been tested in humans.

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Tomatoes have Nicotine. So do Eggplants, Cauliflower and.. potatoes. Nightshade. Nicotine is.. anti venom if you follow Dr. Ardis. Also... Tobacco .. also... Tomatoes high in Lutenin/Lycopene (sp) which is tres helpful for you. :) Apples have pectin another great thing for binding toxins in the gut... (Apple a day is right!)

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Jun 18Liked by Christine

Jennifer Depew here on Substack is doing work on Pomegranate peel and bio-films...

She may have the research you are seeking.

She may be able to point you in a direction for greater detail on research info.

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There are lots and lots and lots of biofilm disruptors, at least amongst the old fashioned foods that tend to be either bitter or sour. What we don't know is which ones work where in the body on which types of biofilm for which type of pathogen.

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The every day concerned citizen talks about this and the protocol tgat seems to work. Actually it has a ton of I formation about what we are going through.

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Jun 17Liked by Christine

Good almost-summer morning to you, Christine, from the other end of the world (Pennsylvania USA) Here's another tid-bit for you in support of what you already know--I am just now reading A Mid-Western Doctor's (The Forgotten Side of Medicine) April 7 post on how our clothes and their materials shape our health


which article goes on to bras, and then their connection to breast cancer, and then to laetrile ( just last summer from this same source, I discovered that the USA anti-laetrile campaign had been a suppression of truth)

Doctored Results: The Suppression of Laetrile at Sloan-Kettering Institute for Cancer Research Paperback – February 20, 2014

by Ralph W. Moss PhD (Author)

4.7 4.7 out of 5 stars 37 ratings

See all formats and editions

Doctored Results is a gripping exposé of one of the major scientific scandals of the 20th century. The book provides an insider's account of the controversial suppression of the anti-cancer agent, laetrile, at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. Moss, who was the assistant director of public affairs at the center, reveals the cover-up of positive tests with laetrile and the orders he received from officials to falsify reports. Refusing to comply, he organized an underground group called Second Opinion to oppose the cover-up.

This book, published in 2014, is a first-person narrative detailing these shocking events, offering a unique and dramatic perspective on a significant moment in cancer research history. Moss is known for his extensive work in the field, having authored more than a dozen books on cancer and produced several film documentaries. His book not only explores the specific incident at Sloan-Kettering but also sheds light on the broader issues of scientific integrity and the influence of pharmaceutical interests in cancer research.

Doctored Results is a significant contribution to the literature on cancer treatment and research ethics, providing valuable insights for readers interested in understanding the complexities and challenges of cancer research and the impact of institutional policies on scientific discovery.

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You might also enjoy World Without Cancer, by G Edward Griffin. When I first came across the book I owned a health food shop. It came in two volumes that had to be shrink wrapped and I was not permitted to remove the shrink wrap so the books could be viewed. One book goes into the politics - doctors who used laetrile kept dying in mysterious ways, and the other into the healing properties and processes with laetrile. It sounds like this predates and mirrors Moss's experiences. G Edward Griffin is still alive in his 90s and still out there fighting the good fight.

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Jun 17Liked by Christine

Thank you! It was last July when 2nd Smartest Guy in the World wrote of the physician who speculated about a cancer/parasite connection at turn of century—that is to say, 1895-1905-ish, and my eyes were opened to that possibility. As I have commented before, all of my interest is, (thank you, Lord) currently purely academic—but I like to know about “stuff”. Also, I hit this in my reading Friday as I finished Ezekiel: the prophet experiences his final vision, this one of a riverbank colonized by trees: “And on the banks, on both side of the river, there will grow all kinds of trees for food [insert almonds here?]. Their leaves will not wither nor their fruit fail, but they will bear fresh fruit every month, because the water for them flows from the sanctuary. Their fruit will be for food, and their leaves for healing. “(47: 12 RSV). Those last four words.

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Also, in expelling these 'beasts' one's excrement may be very dark, and very loose for quite some time. Talking possibly a year or so.

This is body processing out the 'beasts' dead tissue, and whatever poisons their dead bodies leave behind to process.

As long as one stays hydrated ( also use a bit if Celtic salt or Himalayan salt in your water) and feel no other debilitating effects...


it Will eventually stop.

Be sure to eat/ take potassium, magnesium, iodine for starters.

Also to clear out the metals spirolina / cholera to keep iron energy levels.

This is for information only am not a physician...

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Someone good at math can guide you with dosage, seems a dime size of both products prove success for about 110-170 lb. mammals.

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Christine... Saddle shops for Horses will carry the paste...

Used to be $10/ tube Ivm. $12. Fenben.

Prices increased and presently the paste tube seems smaller. I forgot to check the ounces...

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As much as you don't appreciate me, maybe this eBook will be helpful to you since CD, other meds, and herbs have reversed Autism symptoms. It's very comprehensive. Note their long list of symptoms associated with parasite infections contains chronic fatigue, sleep disorders, low B12, low iron, etc etc. https://dn720004.ca.archive.org/0/items/healing-the-symptoms-known-as-autism-2nd-ed/Healing_the_Symptoms_Known_as_Autism_2nd%20ed.pdf Another link that I find helpful is ropeworms.com You might find more good documentation there. Know that I am currently expelling ropeworms and whatever else is being kicked out by my current protocol. Tapeworms are next.

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Toxoplasma. Folklore: We have known for centuries never to have any cat around a pregnant woman. Or any dog or animal.

Modern: now we know that any wild animal can carry talky plasma, and for example, any cat that eats a mouse will be a carrier of toxoplasma. Talk to plasma goes straight for the fetal brain and most commonly lodges in the rear of the temporal lobe and causes death or paralysis of the fetus!

So the old wives tale is true.

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Jun 16Liked by Christine

Have you been following/ formulating your anti-parasitic protocol for long?

One understands that to absolve some of these buggers it can take up to two years...

I understand two close friends diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer's, are going through a Functional Nutritionist's protocol. This is food control/ no gluten, no nightshade, processed foods...for several months, along with parasitic interventions...

This has been going on for 8 months...

Results are slow, since one is working on cleaning a corrupted infected system.

These buggers are stubborn...

Results are not expected within a short time frame. Up to two years...

The body has to kill the beings, process and remove them and their toxins, in addition to killing the highly reproductive offspring, while fighting what the offspring are doing....

The body may not begin the healing process fully due to the intensity of the mass of parasites the body is cleansing, removing and processing out-in addition the immune system needs support to sustain and fight.

It is not a loosing battle, recovery may appear slow but it may be steady.

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Jun 17Liked by Christine

Can you comment on the nightshade connection? I don't (currently) know of any parasitic stuff in me, but nightshades fill a lot of my vegetable garden, canning jars and freezer space. I heed the comments of all you knowledgeable folks, just in case.

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Nightshade to some is irritating... to others panacea. It contains Nicotine (well the tomatoes, the potatoes and the eggplant do that is).. Dr. Ardis states nicotine is the cure for long covid as it is anti venom... and venom is in many products including jabberoos. Go look him up, he's on Rumble and I promise you will find it very thought provoking. Meantime, if some say no night shade, I say, but if you do have it, are you having worse symptoms? If no, they are not a problem for you. Someone else maybe. It is all very individual. Medicine and cures are not one size fits all...

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Jun 21Liked by Christine

Thank you--yes, I do know Dr , Ardis, and do use Rumble--I do so appreciate the generosity among stackers and commenters

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I know a lot of health people don't like them but it is worth noting that we have nicotine receptors in the body, and the nightshade plants are amongst the few plants with high levels of nicotine. The reality is that the poisons plants produce to protect themselves from insects and other parasites, are the poisons that we use to treat our own parasites. it speaks to the idea that we have to have the wisdom to eat toxic plants in moderation, and then the become medicine.

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Yes, moderation in all things!

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Jun 17Liked by Christine

Sally Norton share in her book on Oxalate overload. In 'Toxic Superfoods' available and Barnes and Nobles, Amazon etc. she goes into great detail on how these oxalates can affect persons without their knowledge.

For example:

mom would always slice, and salt eggplant on paper towels to 'remove the poisons' (which cause bitterness)

Never had tummy issues when mom cooked.

In skipping that step in adulthood (salting, sweating out the toxins)

one would experience terrible issues.

Also in managing how much of these foods to eat weekly, inflammation and upset can be controlled.

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Jun 17Liked by Christine

Thank you for the explanation! As a teen-ager in the mid-60's, like all kids my age, I worked summers on tobacco farms ("Connecticut Valley shade-grown tobacco"--the wrapper leaves for cigars). The tobacco smell got deep into my shirts, and stayed for years--I rather liked the smell. As I was pruning and tying up my tomato plants last week, that smell-memory returned. And if nicotine receptors be on the skin (as nicotine patches suggest?) then handling the "poisonous leaves" of tomato might be a prophylactic measure. Just a flight of fancy here. Most of my dozen tomato cultivars are old varieties--perhaps hold more nicotine. Food for thought, for which I thank you.

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Yes, I agree with you. I have only been at it for 6 months, first with ivermectin and fenbendazole, then artemisinin with fenben, and now apricot kernels with fenben. Given the two different cancers I will keep up with this kind of protocol. But as it is not touching the fibromyalgia, I need to ADD something that will upset the toxoplasmosis or whatever it is that is causing the FMS. And you are right also, that we can only kill the active parasites and not their egg sacks or cysts that are seriously protected, so we have to let them "hatch' and kill the babies over and over and over again until there are no cysts left to hatch. For the around 10 years that I was smoking, I did not have symptoms of FMS, so I am guessing either the tobacco or its enhancements were killing the babies as so I was not experiencing their toxicity, but as soon as I stopped smoking whatever it was came raging back and pretty much disabled me in about a month, So that 10 years of whatever, did not kill the source of the problem. That's what I have to get to now - how to destroy the cysts - if that's what ails me.

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Nicotine receptors are filled with something that should not be there.. peptides..try using a low dose patch .. be ready for a nice surprise… but keep to 2 or 3 mg a day or you throw off too many peptides .. which I might add are in most medications to date…

Chlorine dioxide will stuff the critters into your next loo trip… but again slowly does it… one other possible if it’s not peptides or parasitic.. then consider oxalates dumping… (Sally Norton YouTube)

You must address mitochondrial dysfunction.. misfolded proteins are definitely the knock on result of spike protein interference.. this messes up the atp cycle.. and the only real fix is mitophagy via urolithin A (mitopure) or pomegranate juice/extract… house clean the body through autophagy/ mitophagy and use red/green algae to feed new mitochondria.. astaxanthin and Chlorella.. coz that’s what they used to feed on till we tried to feed on them.

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Why don’t you write an article where you systematize this information into a protocol that everyone can understand and follow?

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Jun 22Liked by Christine

Will put my twopenneth on a stack shortly .. it needs all the links to research to satisfy those with critical thinking to be worth the effort.

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Dr. Ardis and Nicotine... look him up. Nicotine, CBD oil, Gluthione, NAC, Vit D3 and Vit C are essentials....

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Jun 16Liked by Christine

Good to hear, the fibroM. at this point may be a symptom from parasite removal. My friends both were borderline physically ill/green for several months, low energy aches and pains it mat have been a physical reaction to the 'dying off' from the years of these buggers setting house.

Glad you are doing better...

and continuing to guide others and share this quest.

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Jun 17Liked by Christine

- nodules are reduced in size, not completely eradicated.

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Jun 17Liked by Christine

Understood, the natto. or serra.

- Dissolve the sheath surrounding/ creating the cysts...

I am not sure if I sent the correct video ( had to find in y-t history)

the silkworm enzyme dissolves the hardened tissue allowing body to destroy/reabsorb/ eliminate.

This is why the natto et. al. Is able to dissolve the hard tissue in arthritic nodules, internal scar tissue, etc.

This product aided my massage therapist in dissolving 30 year internal scar tissue in shoulders.

Side effect was lowered cholesterol and noticeable reduction of arthritic nodules in fingers. NOT complete...

Have to continue intermittent use to retain nodule shrinkage.

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Jun 17Liked by Christine

Christine, upon re-reading your comment, noticed you mentioned cysts. If these are still an issue a couple of enzymes may help.

a) Nattokinase

b) Serropeptase



These substances DISSOLVE excess tissue. Has helped with dissolution of scar tissue of internal organs (with massage therapy) and reduction of arthritic nodules. The blood clot connection has been subsequent to the shutdown etc.

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You tell me if you can find the information anywhere. When I was doing my series of articles on biofilm and biofilm disruptors, I could not find information on whether biofilm is the same composition in each person and for each living thing it is isolating. For example, do we know that the outer wall of parasitic egg sacks or cysts is the same as the biofilm manufactured by a bacteria or a cancer? Nattokinase and serropeptase are both known biofilm disruptors but do they disrupt all biofilm in all people or for all pathogens, or just some types of biofilm? I am using modified citrus pectin for the same effect, but does MCP disrupt the same biofilm as natto? Can any of them disrupt the biofilm of single celled organisms completely hidden within cells, including immune system cells, or their egg sacks hidden deep inside muscle tissue?

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Jun 22·edited Jun 22Liked by Christine

The parasite can lay eggs in all sort of places.. lots of hideyholrs within the body.. not just deep mucosal layer but within the fascia that supports bone… maybe in the bone marrow.. in the kidney .. deep within the brain .. and size matters .. cysts will hold calcium .. polyps can be fortresses that hold groups of cysts.. so when you wage war .. think about the food supply to these critters to..

I believe brown fat /white fat holds more than toxins so those with extra adipose tissue will have an abundance of food supply… therefore take longer to eradicate parasites… this is why there is no hard fast timeframe to clearance.

My approach is “switching” to outfool the adaptive response .. and the list of polyphenols is bigger than you could imagine.. which is why it is confusing not just to us.. but to the buggers trying to thrive within us… essiac tea for example… mistletoe… black walnut… black seed oil… andrographis…when you combine two or three things.. synergy seems to outwit and succeed… but remember it’s all about “clearance”… debris need collection and disposal.

Avoidance of stroking pets before eating food… wash hands often .. pets sleeping on sofas /beds will transfer what ever they carry… so maybe keep dosing them with ivermectin too..take CL02 when travelling abroad .. avoid eating takeaways .. outdated food.. address listeria.. the pathway to avoidance is tortuous.

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The cysts on this case are the parasite”s hardened egg sacks, manufactured to resist the immune system and protect the contents, the dormant form of the parasites. .

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Jun 22Liked by Christine

Methinks the unlock code to hardened egg sacs is actually the enzyme from the dying mother parasite .. when you combine the antiparasitic with serrapeptase.. the biofilm breaks down to release the new team of parasite so it’s all about timing… and persistence.

Yeast and sugar compounds the issue.. those botanicals like garlic ginger IP6 “steal” the food and building blocks to altered collagens.

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Your research is very interesting and frightening.Thank you.

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What is more frightening is not knowing what is wrong. If we can find what is wrong, we CAN put it right.

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I think we are fighting a losing battle.Christine it's been this way for years, only my humble opinion .

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Yes, it has, but I feel sure the solution is simple. I believe this is a genocide, and that every human on earth is vulnerable if they don't know the cure. The elites would not have unleashed this lot if they did not know how to fix it in themselves, simply and easily. We just have to find that simple and easy solution.

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I think governments are genocide and evil they are sucking the spirit of God from nations . They will die too.

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I see they now claim 30% of us have it. Interesting as the local kids got sick and i put some of their spit under the scope. They matched up with these cells.


toxoplasmosis dark field microscope - images

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Are you saying you found toxoplasmosis with these kids? One reason I am currently latching onto toxoplasmosis, is that we are in an era when our immune systems are becoming seriously compromised, and with a medicine that has become rigidly defined into its limited diagnostic regimes, that DO NOT look for parasites. If parasites of all kinds are kept nicely under control in a healthy human immune system and get horribly out of control when the immune system collapses, that would explain all these syndromes - of largely unexplained "malaise" for which no real cause can be found. It could be that every last syndrome and every apparently "incurable" disease (of which FMS is one) is only incurable because we are not trying to cure the right thing.

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Yes, I dont think its only insects that have been co opted against us. Look up the Russian document on ropeworms as an example. It will be in my next post if you can't find it.

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I've done a quick search. I will wait for your post.

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Have you tried Rife? https://www.pulsedtech.com/

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No local provider. It makes sense when dealing with parasites particularly. I was a great fan of Hulda Clarke, although I had no idea which of the competing versions of "electro medicine" was right. I have a zapper and a magnetic pulser, but nothing that can target particular frequencies. I wonder if frequencies can actually get through the tough biofilm shells (cysts) that all living invaders seem to protect themselves with, or whether the frequencies can only get to and kill the active parasites? You've prompted me to revive the Rife forum that I joined many years ago and see what is happening. Thankyou.


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https://www.pulsedtech.com/ is next generation. I know their chief scientist. There is nothing else like it. I have been using for years.

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OK will check, although my negative inner voice screams money money money.

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I receive nothing for pointing people in their direction. It's real.

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Yes, but it will cost me to access some kind of equipment, either buying it myself or finding someone who is using it medically. But I will look.

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