Sense of smell, aluminum toxicity.

Super EEF

by Standard Processing.

Please read its complete 'Indications for use and Synergists'

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Surprised with chatGPT and its metaphysical take even if it did sort-of pooh-pooh it.

Dreams are part of metaphysic reality. It's the less dense 'sheath' to our physical bodies, very real - but subtle. In physical terms it's like electromagnetic phenomena... one way to describe the soul's activity beyond the body.

Awareness is also known as consciousness. As consciousness rises, we have to decide if we live in a "good or bad" universe. The universe, or Reality, is not what we've been mass-educated to believe, but at its core, it is beautiful in spite of the pain and confusion. If they wanted to kill us all they could. So something else must be at play. But that is my own perspective from a thoroughly thrashed life - ymmv.

Any artificial intelligence - and this applies to one highly educated in the hyper-rational universities where dark-age philosophy is heralded as the brightest light of progressive modernity...

where was I...

Oh yes, artificial intelligence is so-named for the pure artifice of it. True intelligence takes the reality of dreams and integrates them entirely in to their reality which becomes more complete (because of said integration).

I came to read your post on this subject of dreams because of their link to metaphysics. Metaphysics has nothing to do with the corrupted and moralising sentiment of religion, but uses the pure intellect, and intellectual intuition. Shaman use dreams just as ancient mystics and those engaged in Eastern doctrines do. (The West represents the death of metaphysic reality (via corrupted religion) and this is arguably why we're undergoing the covid operation.)

Dreams are potentially controllable, and represent our possibilities. The more seriously we take dreams, the greater we can develop our "nous" or intellectual intuition.

We reach our full potential as human beings when we have fulfilled all our/the necessary possibilities. It can be difficult and a long road but is far from impossible. Nothing learned is ever lost in that process, ie. physical death is not the end.

The things you mentioned, like seeing things in the news that you dreamt the night before for example were all common to me through life and I was convinced they were so important, but nobody shared my curiosity. I have since learned THEY ARE SO IMPORTANT.

It is only in this end of the dark age of false light or false knowledge (artificial intelligence) that dreams are dismissed. I've written on them, because I love metaphysics and as an artistic type my dreams have always been spectacular, and filled with those aspects you listed.

This world is how we accrue or 'take-up' consciousness - ie. in a physical body.

Consciousness accrues from one life or state to the next. Peak consciousness is full Realisation, or "Christ-" or "Buddha consciousness". This is the same again as the 33° Freemason symbolism.

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As a very small, child I dreamt that I was looking through my bedroom window toward a large machine in the street. It had a funnel that was sucking everything into oblivion. I watched until the whole world had been consumed into nonexistence, then I was also sucked into the machine. The only thing that remained was static as seen on an old black and white TV tuned to a blank channel. More than a half a century later I now seem to be living through that dream.

Just a thought: maybe you should seek to find a place to put the terror of your dreams where it can be observed but not felt. If this seems right to you make the request before going to sleep. Keep in mind that the essence of such request is what is heard, not the rigid literal word meaning. The answer will be of a similar essential nature. Do not become impatient. These matters are best resolved on their own time.

Take note of characters and themes that may become signs for interpretation. Never seek guidance that requires you to abandon reason. The answers that you are given will ultimately require you to make your own choices.


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Someone in the comments is talking about their cancer being gone in the above and how they did it, and i saw another in comments too.

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I don’t remember dreams at all if I have them. Does everyone dream?

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There are ways to dream more, and techniques to remember dreams.

One "recipe" for dreaming and remembering is to have a magnesium chloride bath before bed, followed by some good hard cheese, like Grana Padano. Supplemental boron, or borax added to the bath water is also helpful.

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The science has not determined this. I have lots of vivid dreams, but if my smart watch is accurate, I have many more sessions of REM sleep than I have of remembered dreams, so even I am not recalling what has happened in a lot of my dream states. We apparently can also dream in sleep states other than REM, so it is all pretty much up in the air.

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How can you tell on your smartwatch

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Somehow the watch I have apparently tracks light sleep, deep sleep and REM sleep overnight. I don't know how accurate it is, and it did tell me I was asleep one time when I was in bed, scrolling, but wide awake. But on the whole, I think it is giving me a lot of useful information. This is the watch I bought.


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Love this post...!!! TY Will repost it, with more to say...just great...thx again!

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Look forward to reading what you have to say. I was hoping to get speculation from others on these posts on dreams, but they are not getting much traction. Too speculative for most.

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this was good. inspired me to put some nice orange and tangerine scents on for my yoga.

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