Jul 9Liked by Christine

BPC-157 peptide seems to be a biggie for some people -- a whole world of interesting things in peptides.

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Jul 8Liked by Christine

My husbands oncologist ( originally from a research university) said they used to think “viruses “ caused cancer, but now we’re looking at RADIATION!!! My husband’s office was adjacent to an airport/ control tower.

Radiation (5G) may be a main tool in the killer’s tool chest, but obiously not the only one. There is a word which describes how adding one component to another doesn’t merely double the effect, but exponentially increases harmful effects. Used in toxicology.

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Yes, whatever actually triggered the sickness epidemic called "covid" we can presume that "they" knew we were reaching a significant tipping point where the next radiation issue would add to the existing and compounding pathogen/parasite and toxicity issues to tip many of us over our personal tipping point. They do not want us to die out too fast, as they need us to bury our own dead and shut down our own society safely (whatever that means to them) so that have had to carefully design a slowly escalating cascade of death that does not leave our corpses rotting on the streets or our power sources in flames.

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Jul 8Liked by Christine

Yes, and don’t forget the medical treatments that siphon away wealth into their big medical companies like a reverse fire hose.

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I'm not sure what they need our money for. Money only has value in relationship to production - to real stuff - so as they destroy our productivity, our money has less and less actual value, whence endless inflation.

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Jul 8Liked by Christine

Maybe they use it to grab all the housing(black rock) and energy. Better than cash.

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I have been mulling this stuff over for a couple of days. The interviewer is well-prepared and asks intelligent questions. https://youtu.be/_3FfX89xUy4?si=0KSE3Kqr7bzGuBVj

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Christine, I would like to suggest some more alternative therapies that my wife is using, under the direction of our functional medicine doctor.

1) Ion Cleanse is an ionic foot bath designed to detox from heavy metals. This is both controversial and expensive. Our doctor believes in it, and has a machine in her office. My wife detoxes once every 2 weeks, and says she feels much better afterwards. This does not address infections.


2) The Bio Mat is another expensive and controversial device, in our doctor's office. It combines infrared heat (which my wife says opens up the back chakras), negative ions, and crystals. She lies on the biomat before doing the ionic foot bath.


These devices are outside our budget, but this why we go to this particular doctor.

I wish you well on your journey - and thank you for keeping us informed!

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Yes, why does life have to be so damn complicated. What works for one person can do the opposite for another. Curious if you're familiar with programs to retrain the brain, such as Dynamic Neural Retraining System? It works wonders for many, but has made others feel worse.

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It's always good to pursue potentially-helpful methods for recovery, especially when they are most likely harmless at worst.

Please, notice that there were illnesses before electricity. Many of them are still popularized in the form of invented illnesses; the "plague" is one of them. Here are a few examples:


Here is my theory of health and diseases:


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Jul 7Liked by Christine

I happened upon this yesterday... GHB is a phenomenal substance that has been banned in the usa. Perhaps it can help? If you can get it. https://youtu.be/qdS_y-pgoYk?si=dRXozeQlAOm2DZjY

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Jul 7Liked by Christine

I had dental anesthetics in 2023 which damaged the muscle associated with the nerve he injected (he had to give me three syringes to get me numb). I have had a lot of dental treatments and this is the first time I've had anything like this happen. I also got a sickness in 2022 that was nothing like I've ever experienced. It took me a year to stop feeling dizzy. Everything you have written makes more sense than anything else out there. You have a lot more patience than I do trying to figure all this out! Have you considered psychedelics for healing? I am very curious but have yet to try. Thank you for sharing your journey with us.

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As an engineer in the building construction business I am aware of the EMF affecting people even at 60 hz household power frequency. I keep higher current carrying cables away from occupied spaces.

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Jul 7Liked by Christine

I was born in 1963 in a big city. I’m open to new information, and maybe electricity causes some problems, but it never effected me. I’ve been healthy most my life until I hit my mid fifties.

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We don't need to see its effects for it to be stressing our bodily systems. I had no sense of struggling with anything electrical and did not get any detectable effects from 2G to 4G, but 5G was the killer for me. I wonder what happened in your mid 50s? Did you start to get sick then for no good reason? Might there have been an electromagnetic cause for whatever that sickness was. Maybe you moved near to high tension power lines or a military centre with radar equipment, or took up a job where there was a radio tower of some kind on the roof, or bought some smart equipment or got a smart meter installed in your home, thus ramping up all EMFs? The possibilities are endless and invisible unless you are looking for them.

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Have you ever tried Guaifenesin for Fibromyalgia? https://www.verywellhealth.com/the-guaifenesin-protocol-for-fibromyalgia-716082

Water structure plays a key role in EMF's. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/304523722_Zeta_Potential

The only Rife I trust is: https://www.pulsedtech.com/

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I came across the idea of Guafenesin many years back and remembered it again recently. I checked with my local chemist as to whether it comes in any form, either prescription or over the counter, and of course, it is still only available as part of cough medicine. If I could find an uncontaminated natural source I might try it, but I do recall from the original article about it that you have to be seriously brave as your urine will seriously burn - effectively you are peeing phosphoric acid. I have just checked through my huge wad of test results and find that my phosphorous level is at the mid to high end of the normal scale, so it seems unlikely to be the cause, which does not mean that Guafenesin is not the cure for some other reason.

Not sure what you are saying about water and EMFs

I don't have the funds to purchase my own RIFE machine, and I am still not sure it is addressing the right issue. It transmits a frequency into us, which may be helpful, particularly with secondary issues like parasites and detoxing, but I think we may need something quite different to protect us from harmful EMFs in the first place.

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Jul 8Liked by Christine

I believe that Mucinex is just Guaifenesin. Thank you for reminding me me that I need to get some.

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Ingredients : Active ingredients (in each extended-release bi-layer tablet): Dextromethorphan HBr 30 mg, Guaifenesin 600 mg. Inactive ingredients carbomer homopolymer type B; D&C yellow no. 10 aluminum lake; hypromellose, USP; magnesium stearate, NF; microcrystalline cellulose, NF; sodium starch glycolate, NF.

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You can try sodium alginate for chelating heavy metals. https://drbrianhleung.wordpress.com/2011/06/07/alternative-cancer-treatment-interview-with-dr-gonzalez-by-dr-mercola/

Dr. Mercola: Absolutely. Part of the other reason, too, is he used it for detoxification because of the exposure that we have to bromine, fluoride, chlorine, and dioxins and because these are halides — they tend to bind to these receptors and by displacing it with the good iodine, you can actually detoxify those toxic elements out of your system. So it has a two-fold approach.

Dr. Gonzalez: Yeah, that‘s true. We use a lot of sodium alginate as a detoxifying agent. We find that that‘s one of the best chelators for heavy metals. We use it routinely in virtually our entire practice. We find that it gets rid of heavy metals as well as the halides. So I do agree with him that the halides are a real serious problem and they‘re 23


I did the treatment and it worked exactly as he described. Been taking guaifenesin for 25 years. https://www.amazon.com/Guaifenesin-Capsules-750-250-Fillers/dp/B079C6C11X

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Jul 8Liked by Christine

Sounds like sodium alginate may be good for hypothyroidism/ hashimotos. My markers improved for the first time in 20 years with edta used as chelator. Thanks for your info.

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Jul 8Liked by Christine

I just got an awesome new to me book The Mercury Detoxification Manuel by Rebecca Rust Lee and Andrew Hall Cutler. It covers Chelation of other metals and Chelation in detail. I highly recommend it. Never heard of sodium alginate for Chelation.

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Re sodium alginate, it looks safe enough. I avoid the chemicals used to detox stuff - don't like the idea of using something toxic to detox. The sodium alginate is sounding similar to modified citrus pectin, which I am using now for its general detox and anti-cancer effects. I might cycle it with the MCP.

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Re guaifenesin,, did you have to deal with the salicylate complication or have the burning urine? And why are you still taking it? Do the phosphates build up again if you stop?

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Jul 8·edited Jul 8Liked by Christine

I hadn't taken it in many years and never had those side effects. I had a very old expired pkg leftover. For upper respiratory allergies, congestion in back of throat. I am going to try some Zeolite before I try the oral chelation in this book, I probably need to be retested for mercury.

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Research zeolite carefully. A component is aluminium. I am trying to stick to plant products, even if they have been interfered with bigtime like MCP.

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Jul 8Liked by Christine

Really? I haven't seen that anywhere. My chiropractor suggested it and I did look into it. I will look further.

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Yes, you must eliminate all salicylates.

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Yes, cannot ever stop. Burning urine? Never heard that. Someone is pulling your leg.

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I recall the burning urine from the original article I read online a significant number of years ago - in the days before articles were formatted. I also remember looking into foods that contain salicylates and deciding it was too hard. No tomatoes, Blueberries, Avocados, Mushrooms, cauliflower, coffee! My diet is restrictive enough with a keto-ish diet to keep the blood sugar down, let alone removing all these. This would remove everything left worth eating.

Having lived with a lifetime of restrictions to little effect, it has now dawned on me that the restriction controls the symptoms, not the disease. We are still not addressing the cause of FMS if it comes back without the medicine.

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Jul 8Liked by Christine

Sounds like same diet I'm on. I now eat what agrees w me and of course I know what I shouldn't be eating. Don't we all by now? What's FMS?

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Jul 7Liked by Christine

Hi Christine, maybe the childhood vaccines affected your health in 1963.

Prayers for your recovery (and for all of us). 🙏

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We got the polio jab in primary school, so not that one. The only one I recall at secondary school at around the right age was TB, and both my sister and I tested positive for TB so did not have the shot. (Our mother did not have TB but her sister and their mother, our grandmother did.) Maybe the test? They scratched the skin with lots of pinheads transmitting something, and if the injury got inflamed, we had the antibodies and so did not need the jab.

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Jul 7Liked by Christine

Maybe that has something to do with the effects you experienced. Just a thought.

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