Aug 15Liked by Christine

Thank you. I’ll dig in.

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Aug 15Liked by Christine

Perhaps the answer is clear to you all, but let me ask WHY is the global “cabal” trying to reduce the world population? And WHY do those “elites” even think that is a good thing? I seriously need a solid answer.

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There is a ton of literature, written by “them”, starting with the Club of Rome in the 1960s, and then going through all sorts of iterations of globalist organisations until the most recent, the WEF. They are not shy about writing it all down for everyone to read. You can find on their website all sorts of stuff on how overpopulated the world is and what we have to do about it.

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You are right on target. Everything you say here is happening to all of us. Every day I ask God to help us cope with this mess. Then I chop wood and carry water.

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I'm wondering if anyone is experiencing a coating of plastic like substance coving their skin. What I have is about a 1/32 inch of clear see through coating covering most of my body. Never been jabbed but have had chemtrails that burned my skin then itching so bad that I couldn't stop stratching. This went on last summer.

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I wonder if you would like to tell us more? I do know that one of the side effects of long covid is that your skin starts to flake off. The top layer goes slightly dead and then starts to flake away in smaller or larger chunks depending on how bad it is. There is a surface neuropathy with it, and all you clothes get lined with white flakes, which puff off as you dress and undress. This was one of the things that happened to me after my hospitalisation with what they called covid but I think was an allergic reaction to 5G. What I have described is one of many symptoms of vagus nerve damage, so I set about addressing it with exercises designed to stimulate the vagus nerve. Even though I still have some aspects of long covid, most of the vagus nerve symptoms have gone away. Occasionally my skin starts flaking again so I focus on the exercises again for a little while, particularly humming which is the easiest to integrate into daily life. I am not saying that your "plastic" skin is a layer of dead or dying skin, but it might be.

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Its not dead skin ....its plastic. They made it under the guise of saying its for burn victims. I'll send the research I found on this later when I have time. It took me countless hours to find it and don't share with many people of what I've been going through because they'll start calling you crazy.

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WHAT⁉️😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫are you serious 🧐 hummmmm would like to know more ... where do you live .... what’s in your Water 💦 ⁉️😳

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U.P. Michigan. I don't appreciate your comment either...."what's in your water". I dug in and found what I do have going on and who developed it.

Shame on you!

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Aug 8Liked by Christine

so good.

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Aug 6Liked by Christine

Hello Christine. For cancer have you heard of urine therapy? I saw on Rumble a Dr. Edward Group. Still praying for you.

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Yes, but I'm not going there. These obsessive men invent all sorts of cruel or disgusting treatments that they are welcome to use, and that might be suitable for sadistic or self-abusive younger men, but I am not one of them. I'm a battered old woman. If it is not kind and not nurturing, it is not for me.

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Aug 6Liked by Christine

Anytime someone brings up politics, that knows what is happening on the "healthcare" front, I remind them that it doesn't matter if we are all incapacitated or dead. "For future generations..." There won't be any if we continue to willingly poison ourselves and our children. That is the first issue we need to address. With 1/2 the population "on the spectrum" nothing will run properly and everything will be about feelings, not health!

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Absolutely agree. Should be first priority for everyone. Was watching a video about the fatty acid, C15, where the lady was talking about premature aging. She was saying that current children are showing the same indicators of aging as their grandparents, and are ahead of their parents in aging. What hope does humanity have if the children are all poisoned and if we cannot bring them back?

Currently researching a few free or cheap options that might work to detox, including structured water, c15 supplementation and nitric oxide supplementation - each a different pathway to slow or reverse aging, by making simple but profound biological changes to our bodies.

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Aug 6·edited Aug 6Liked by Christine

No wonder these kids are suffering on so many different levels! My nieces are on soooo many meds... 20yrs+ younger than me. Absurd. Thank you for sharing your research and experience with us!

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Now to make sense of your articles on vitamin C.

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Sorry to bombard you but this is exciting. I have been intuiting all along that our solution is unbelievably simple, once we wake up to what it is. I am happy to experiment with this to see how much it helps.

Do you know of Grander Water? https://www.grander.com.au/

Years ago I bought a grander plate that I still put my drinking water on in the hope it is doing something worthwhile. I also have a Grander Pen that I never use, but it is supposed to be used when travelling to stir anything you drink and render it less harmful. Might the pen be useful to structure water, in that it can be used to create a vortex and it is presumably magnetizing the water in some way.

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"Our solution is unbelievably simple."


"Swing away, Merrill."


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The grander device is one of the few with well-documented benefits.

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So is it producing the same kind of structured water that you are talking about?

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Not the same but does apparently provide some benefits.

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Please read these in reverse order. I could turn this into an article if you can confirm that ChatGPT has it right and perhaps add further advice, particularly in using the structured water for specific health parameters to measure before and after a specified treatment dose and duration.

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The chatGPT answer

How to Make Your Own Structured Water

There are several methods claimed to create structured water:

Vortexing: Using a device to spin the water in a vortex.

Exposing to Sunlight: Leaving water in sunlight to absorb energy.

Magnetizing: Using magnets to alter the structure of the water.

Crystals: Placing crystals in or around the water.

Electrolysis: Using an electric current to rearrange the water molecules.

Infrared Light: Exposing water to infrared light.

Using Structured Water for Health

Proponents suggest the following ways to incorporate structured water into your routine:

Drinking: Replace your regular drinking water with structured water.

Cooking: Use structured water for cooking.

Bathing: Add structured water to your bath.

Plant Watering: Water plants with structured water.

Measuring Health Parameters Before and After

Before Starting

Hydration Levels: Use a hydration test or a bioelectrical impedance analysis.

pH Levels: Measure the pH of your saliva and urine.

Oxidative Stress: Assess with an oxidative stress test.

Energy Levels: Use a simple scale to rate your daily energy.

Overall Well-being: Self-assessment questionnaire.

After a Specified Time (e.g., 4-8 weeks)

Hydration Levels: Retest using the same method.

pH Levels: Measure again and compare to baseline.

Oxidative Stress: Reassess oxidative stress levels.

Energy Levels: Compare energy ratings to initial scores.

Overall Well-being: Use the same self-assessment questionnaire to note any changes.


Scientific Evidence: Currently, there is limited scientific evidence to support the claimed benefits of structured water.

Consult Healthcare Provider: Always consult with a healthcare provider before making significant changes to your health routine.

Using structured water involves personal experimentation and observation of any changes in your health and well-being. Documenting these changes meticulously can help you assess whether it has a positive impact on your health.

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I don’t have the scientific background to understand your papers. Just a suggestion, because people like me check the introductions and conclusions to research papers that are beyond us, to see if we can extract anything we can understand.

You can write for normal people, so could I suggest you create a stepped down explanation of what you are proposing, and what impact it will have on me personally and if it is health related, how this might impact on my health.

I asked ChatGPT the following question?

What is structured water, how do I make my own structured water, how do I use structured water for my health for how long, what health parameters can I measure before I start, and what health parameters can I measure after a specified time to demonstrate health improvement from using structured water?

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Are you doing this?

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I did, but have evolved a more sophisticated process.

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I see that John V Milewski lived to his 90s so he was doing something right. Does more sophisticated mean technically different or just prettier? Are you essentially magnetizing water? I think even I could put this together as long as I could get hold of the magnetite sand, but is there a better way?

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Yes, there is a better way. I will sell you my knowledge for 100 trillion dollars. No haggling, 100 trillion with a 'T.' It was 55 trillion, but inflation and all. https://timothywiney.substack.com/p/for-sale-cancer-cure-55-trillion

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You might as well ask ChatGPT if vaccines are safe and effective!

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I have been playing with it for a while. I think I have successfully bullied it out of most of its politically correct responses by prefacing questions with “facts only - do not give me opinions”. That seems to work. it is pretty good at facts.

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Aug 6·edited Aug 6Liked by Christine

Good articles.

The globalists are trying to kill us all. Bounce.

And, we have the right to be wrong. Like it.

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Very comprehensive & 💯 % correct 👏 👌 👍

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