You are taking good things but you would get much much better effect by converting that sodium bicarbonate to sodium citrate. Sodium Citrate is just the salt of vitamin C and dissolves alginate hydrogels unlike sodium bicarbonate and also slightly alkanizes your blood.
There are a lot of recipes on how to make it yourself, because its commonly used in cheese sauces.
I think I explained in the article that I could not take the bicarb and so I substituted Humic/Fulvic acid. But I did not know about the sodium citrate. That might make this protocol viable as a maintenance protocol for me.
Just found your stack. I have marginal b lymphoma and Gleason 6 prostate (next stage before cancer although they try and sell it as cancer.)
70 percent of people with my lymphoma survive 20 years (which is pretty good since average age is 65) but rare for anyone to kick my lymphoma. The lymphoma just dies down but doesn't go away.
I wanted to see if I could kick it and deal with my prostate problem so tried the Joe Tippens protocol, the last one on your post. I did it for a month (minus the CBD) before my most recent petscan.
My oncologist was stunned because all traces of the lymphoma have disappeared as has any worrysome signs around my prostate.
In over 20 years he has only had two patients have this happen.
I can't say for sure what role the protocol played but my prior petscan from 6 months ago showed 5 lymph nodes being impacted and this time none.
I recommend learning about my intratumoral chlorine dioxide injection therapy.
I am the inventor of this therapy, which hasn't been approved yet, though I am advocating for its approval. Currently, I guide late-stage breast cancer patients in self-administering the treatment at home—one of the few legal methods available. Three late-stage breast cancer patients following my guidance have shown consistent results: over a 50% reduction in tumor size within one month and more than 70% within two months. I am confident this therapy can pass FDA clinical trials and soon transition from alternative to standard therapy.
LDN has kept me cancer free for over 10+ years,.. when I had a 1 in 3 chance of not making it 5 years after surgery. Super safe, with no drug interactions other than narcotics and immunosuppressants...
Hi Christine, I recently ordered the meds to start self treating as well (with the added complications of triple negative breast cancer and symptoms of vax damage-after a dental procedure!!). I have been to homeopaths, naturopaths, and even a naturopathic cancer doctor! All of them defer to the oncologist who forbids all natural treatments but is sending me for palliative care. Prayers for all those in this battle....thank you!
So you have seen the various protocols I have posted? Which meds have you decided to use? I would be interested to hear where you are getting them from, perhaps through the message function here. As many of them are illegal in Australia, we have to be pretty devious about how we get them, and supply is unreliable, which is why I am cycling between three different protocols - just to make sure I always have the ingredients for one protocol ahead of time. In addition I have lots of apricot kernels in case I run out of all of the others. Sooner or later I will probably settle into a single treatment, but not yet.
I am unvaxxed and also had dental treatment after hospitalisation with "covid". I wonder?
Yes I did see the protocols that you posted and I was intrigued by Sayed's protocol as well. Specifically his comment that after 20 days the tumour should be can hope! I've ordered fenbendazole and ivermectin. I also read somewhere that someone used 1500 mg of quercetin with this combo, so I have purchased that too. Will send you that one when I find it again (I have saved so many protocols). Not sure how to message you from substack.
I'm going to add this: Doxycycline has 12 anti cancer actions. It is NOT being 'studied' like the great IVM or Fenben which makes me wonder if it may be EVEN better, or perhaps a powerful adjunct. Go look up the research. Myself, I have it as a basic abx that I use for a number of aliments. And in a cancer protocol I'd probably throw it in.
I have a resistance against using antibiotics, but it seems they do have a role to play in a broad approach to destroying as many unwelcome parasites as possible. I will have to research them some more.
Sub microbial doses... not anti microbe. It is modulating the immune system (blocking mmps that are being produced in excess due to disturbances in the immune system. MOre and More I believe this: the poisons in the food air and water are gathering momentum, we are being poisoned by EMFs and other chemicals... some thing or one wants to destroy humanity. Is it human or demonic or aliens... that I do not know... but I will tell you we are under attack. our elites are controlled by???? it is the Jew who are not Jews (Khazarian, Edomites etc.. not the Jew of the bible, the Hebrew, the REAL few in Israel can claim that birth right... or spiritual right...and with the mass vaxes there in Israel, fewer and fewer.. because they are killing alot of themselves off... )
I agree with you and I will go as far as to say that it is 4th dimensional beings that can operate as symbiotes in some physiologies better than others, who are running this world. But that understanding does not help us survive their assault. We have to stop squabbling over things that will not help us win this war, and focus on what we need to do. The first thing we need to do is work out a simple way of maintaining our health while they batter us. There is nothing more important than that. The second thing is work out who they are and how we combat them. We have left it too late to concentrate on that first, but we have to retain enough health to get there in the end. The first thing we must do is survive, and only then do we get to take them on.
Dr. Mark Sircus is a bicarbonate expert and has written extensively on using it to help maintain a state of alkalinity in the body. When my dad was diagnosed with stage 4 bladder tubule cancer spread to kidney and lungs last year, we gave him a lemon juice bicarbonate mixture to drink and his labored breathing began clearing up within about a week. Dr. Sircus also recommends a Frovolov device to further help oxygenation and alkalinity. I’ve also been looking at Wim Hof’s breathing methods and cold showers to help keep the body alkalized and to improve immune function.
I tried to use bicarb in one of the protocols but it was making me seriously nauseous. I will look into how to use it with lemon juice. It may be easier that way.
The late Dr. Fulvio Simoncini who apparently died in '24, while still very young, in my opinion, was the first oncologist I paid close attention to.
In 2006, I began researching a possible cure for my former employer, who had been stricken with brain cancer.
(Her gioblastoma diagnosis explained a LOT of what happened while I was working for this dear, kind (now deceased) lady.)
So anyway: I stumbled across his cancer healing data and modality and forwarded it to one of her daughters.
This woman died shortly thereafter. Her brain cancer was apparently inoperable. The family declined to take her to Dr. Simoncini's (still operating) clinic in Rome.
PS: They are all Italian too, and had no trouble understanding the data and protocol Dr. Simoncini discusses, in their native language.
This dear man was tarred, then feathered, then his Rome clinic was raided and his clinical practice shut down.
Many years later, after fighting the Italian medical and CRIMINAL ptb: He was prosecuted.
In 2018 he was sentenced to 5 years in prison. For "causing the death" of a 27 year female cancer patient.
(Does the name Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski ring any bells? Texas...)
If you do a BRAVE (preferred) or DuckDuckGo (compromised) search for data regarding this (rogue) cancer healer (Simoncini) , much of what you'll discover is in *Italian (*which can be translated) and is absolutely scathing but what's new eh? 😉
His belief: cancer is a fungus
His protocol: bicarbonate of soda. You don't drink it though... You are INFUSED. Tumors are directly targeted. (Washed.)
They die.
There are videos and photos of pre and post treatment of (aggressive) tumors. Inside the body. Films taken with those tiny (nano?) tube cameras which can perform such functions... (I am not a doctor, don't okay one on Youtube, and have no formal education to speak of however you know what I'm saying. I trust.)
If you go to Dr. Simoncini's website site, still "up" as of last night, you will access most, if not all, his data.
I somehow recalled his name last evening, after 18 years, which is how I found his latest "Wiki" entry. It indicated he died in "2024". No month or day of death, nor cause.
I spent a good portion of last evening ferreting out that his death occurred this past January. Could not discover cause, however am
betting dollars to donuts he didn't die of turbo cancer.
Perhaps he died of a broken heart and spirit.
Am now wondering whether he spent his last days on earth as a free man. (I believe he was convicted by Italian courts in 2018.)
In any event: due to my having discovered his protocol back in 2006, I began... doctoring... my mother's 5 gallon water bottles with small amounts of bicarbonate of soda.
Also began tinkering with my own... home made "potions"... at that same time. 2006.
Prior to this time, perhaps winter of 1994, some very difficult to obtain books began appearing. Landing in my path. So to speak.
(Pre-internet for the Common Person.)
One was a thin *self published (*from its appearance) book with a very plain sky blue cover, entitled, in white letters, something like:
"H2O2: Hydrogen Peroxide Cures Cancer"
And others along the same vein.
Really? Just an extra molecule of oxygen??
The thin sky blue book
was simply a compilation of researched material, going all the way back to "Lourdes", the "miracle" curative water pool in France.
When analyzed by curious scientists though: turns out this source of water contained (contains?) a high concentration of H2O2.
Hydrogen Peroxide.
It was mostly anecdotal data which a good Samaritan (prior to thecWorld Wide Web) had decided to publish. To share.
I found the book in a most unlikely spot. I was certainly not searching for it but it found me, so I purchased it.
Prior to THAT? Oh my. Lol... I could go on and on dear lady however you get the gist eh?
(Hint: My awakening began during the summer of 1984. Gosh 40 years. Time flies.)
Childhood vaccine data landed in my rented apartment mailbox in 1996, prior to the birth of my only child in early 1997...
I had back problems. Found a chiropractor whom I paid cash for crack. He had a photo of 3 angelic looking children on his desk.
All unvaxxed and thriving...
Didn't know there was such a thing as "unvaccinated' or controversy about vaccines until a book landed in my hands the year after it was self published.
"The Medical Mafia" by Dr. Ghislaine Lanctot. (She was subsequently kicked out of Quebec Canada's medical industry but she is STILL TALKING to this day.)
Lots of vaccine data in that thin book as well.
SHE WAS YEARS AHEAD of the others who followed. (As was Dr. Kevin Stillwagon.)
On another tangent here: I just keep stumbling and practicing upon my self first.
I applied pure medical grade DMSO to the knees of a neighbor. Immediate improvement but I guess he didn't bother to "follow up" or "follow through" (you can only LEAD a horse to the oasis...) because he eventually had knee replacement surgery however with all that said: he might not be kicking mules but he's 97 now. (The application happened in about 1996?)
Didn't know about "cutting it" with an organic oil you can ingest when I recommended my sister give it a go after she became wheelchair bound at Disneyland in the early 2 thousands. (Peeled her hip skin but no scarring, only left with skin as smooth as a newborns bum and the bottom line: she was back to hiking and horseback riding the following week...)
I won't take up much more of your precious time Christine but I encourage you to look into Organic Sulphur crystals.
2 of my local uber expensive "health food & supplements" stores had never heard of it and "won't carry it if it's not in demand..." and another local (very costly) natural supplement store hadn't ever heard of it either but took my number and said they'd contact THEIR suppliers...
No dice. Not available.
She: "What are you going to do with it?"
Me: "Experimental stuff."
She: 🤣🤣🤣
Guess what though? Not ever being much of a giver-upper: Tracked down a supplier (well of course I did! ) made MSM eye drops. (For my son. Who won't use them. He'll take prednisone and immunosuppressant drug manufacturedby the company that poisoned him instead. 😭)
Most "MSM" drops were PULLED from the "market". Just TRY to find this stuff. 😉
(Okay, I did, but cannot afford to pay $12.99 US per 15 ml plus S&H to Canada. Hence my workaround. )
Nothing "new" under the sun
my dear. Just the old earth mother ways of healing the body, remarketed at exorbitant price points.
I make my 22ppm colloidal silver for pennies a litre and give it away to anyone who wants it. (Guess what? No one I know does because they have the $50 bucks to spend at the local "Natural Food & Supplements" store for a 15ml bottle of 15ppm colloidal silver... 😉
I see by your latest post that you are alone (but hopefully
not lonely) and on a tight budget.
So am I. (I will NEVER put my hand out though.The Canuckistanian guv mint can literally KMA.)
I survived "Covid" and the ensuing "mandates" which turned me into an unemployable pariah, and the reason for my survival of that bs was because I survived my childhood, the mean streets (as a child) and everything else I endured, and overcame, since 1973.
I can and will survive ANYTHING.
On sheer WILLPOWER for the most part. (I am an unruly woman. You know the old saying "become ungovernable"?)
So will YOU survive.
PS: How is that 1/4 nic patch going? (Dr. Ardis?) I'm a curious old cat.
I've suffered annoying but tolerable tinnitus (hearing it now and only whilst asleep do I not but sleep much these days. Ain't nobody got time forbthat...) since my twice Pfizered son temporarily moved into my space in late 2021 until early 2022.
Although mostly a hermit (by choice), was and am exposed to vaxxed family members. (Yes. Shedding IS a thing.)
Thinking of biting the bullet and purchasing a box.
Feel free to pick my aging often befuddled brain Christine or better yet: read read readand experiment.
(I mean, I remembered Fulvio's name after 18 years, right? 😉)
Hang TOUGH my dear and please continue to keep curious and caring cats posted.
Truly wish I could offer you monetary assistance but I've been busto since "lockdowns" and never had much prior to that.
I also need to come up with a way to generate a massive chunk of bollardos in order to save my son who refused to take the advice of his crazy conspiracy theorist mum and is now vaccine injured.
Everyone I (still) know is ill. Vaccinated and ill.
Many whom cancelled me are dead or dying now. Turbo cancer. Strokes. Sepsis. "Died in their sleep of unknown cause".
Family members dropping left and right.
Me: No regrets for declining thec💉, and consequences of that.
Lost jobs and friends. Ghosted by all save 1 old ex eho reappeared via internet during lockdowns (fighting for his medical autonomy rights against his Uni) and my only begotten bejabbed child. (😭 My son. MY son. 💔)
I paid a small price to stand my ground. In my opinion.
#HoldTheLine Christine.
Hugs across the internet miles.
You know what's going on, right?
I have a once dear sister-in-arms in Oz. Near Byron Bay.
I know it's a huge country, as is mine, but she is one of us, albeit not as alone, from what I know.
Not as broke either.
I do not use "the app". I've received email notices that I have a "PM" however when I "click" to access? Immediately am re-routed to the "app store".
If you'd like: just "sub" me. You'll have my email.
I'm a low tech luddite with reams of experience regarding how to live on practically nothing.
Some book marks I have for you Christine.....Since you are having difficulty with NaH3CO2 orally, you can also nebulize it. Which provides you an inexpensive alternative for systemic administration. Rather than going through the gut.
The naturopathic sites I know focus on America and Canada. One of my favorite Substack authors is naturopathic Dr. Colleen Huber, who specializes in oncology:
Australia is a big place. The only doctors I have geographic access to are new graduates imported from Sri Lanka and trained/retrained through Wollongong University. Independent thinking and even reading medical peer reviewed papers is not part of their idea of what it means to be a doctor. There are no integrative practitioners within access to me both geographically or in terms of cost. Naturopaths and medical specialists cost too much and are not in any way subsidised. So I do the best I can with what I have - which is my own intelligence and determination. If the red light "works" it is a one off investment and no ongoing cost (for as long as it lasts) so is worth investigating.
Be careful with red light around your melanoma. I *think* that red light works partly by angiogenesis - the formation of new blood vessels to nourish healthy tissues - but that is something you do NOT want to promote around a cancerous tissue.
I am now subscribing, so I can learn more from you, and hopefully I can share what I know too. Good luck!
There is no definitive study that supports red LED (usually around 660nm) cause's proliferation skin Ca. There is supportive evidence for PDT using other wavelengths can work against it.
The photodynamic response of hypericin dye was tested in vitro with cultured human squamous carcinoma cells after exposure to laser emissions at green, yellow, and orange visible light wavelengths (514, 550, and 593 nm). This study revealed that the greatest PDT responses occurred at hypericin's absorption and fluorescence maximum of 593 nm. A range of hypericin concentrations was tested to determine the minimum dosage for photosensitization of the tumor cells, which was found to be from 0.2 to 0.5 μg/mL or 1 μM. Laser power delivery at 150 mW produced the highest level of tumor cell killing at 593 nm. In vivo studies with nude mice bearing human squamous cell carcinoma tumors showed that injected hypericin remained within the tumor site for 10 days allowing repeated laser illumination.
This study also confirms that placement of the fiberoptic within the tumor provides the greatest photo-oxidation and is the optimal route of laser light delivery. During these PDT tests of subcutaneous human SCC tumors using a surgical KTP532 laser emitting visible green light, the limiting factor appears to be tumor size. Hypericin PDT also should be enhanced via deeper penetration of 593 nm light as in our in vitro studies above or by using longer wavelengths of pulsed infrared light for 2-photon excitation [7]. This study provides new evidence hypericin is an ideal photosensitizer for PDT that may prove to be clinically useful in tumor imaging and minimally invasive treatment of locally recurrent head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.
I wonder if there is anyone reading this who has tried this protocol? I am stuck on the bicarbonate of soda that causes me to gag. I have substituted fulvic acid which is supposed to alkalize the cells, so I am hoping it is doing the same thing as the bicarb in the protocol. Anyone with experience of this?
Maybe have a look at using potassium citrate instead? My understanding is that its a strong alkaliser, do perhaps you might need to lower the dose. Or not.
You are taking good things but you would get much much better effect by converting that sodium bicarbonate to sodium citrate. Sodium Citrate is just the salt of vitamin C and dissolves alginate hydrogels unlike sodium bicarbonate and also slightly alkanizes your blood.
There are a lot of recipes on how to make it yourself, because its commonly used in cheese sauces.
I think I explained in the article that I could not take the bicarb and so I substituted Humic/Fulvic acid. But I did not know about the sodium citrate. That might make this protocol viable as a maintenance protocol for me.
Just found your stack. I have marginal b lymphoma and Gleason 6 prostate (next stage before cancer although they try and sell it as cancer.)
70 percent of people with my lymphoma survive 20 years (which is pretty good since average age is 65) but rare for anyone to kick my lymphoma. The lymphoma just dies down but doesn't go away.
I wanted to see if I could kick it and deal with my prostate problem so tried the Joe Tippens protocol, the last one on your post. I did it for a month (minus the CBD) before my most recent petscan.
My oncologist was stunned because all traces of the lymphoma have disappeared as has any worrysome signs around my prostate.
In over 20 years he has only had two patients have this happen.
I can't say for sure what role the protocol played but my prior petscan from 6 months ago showed 5 lymph nodes being impacted and this time none.
Well done. Greater news.
I recommend learning about my intratumoral chlorine dioxide injection therapy.
I am the inventor of this therapy, which hasn't been approved yet, though I am advocating for its approval. Currently, I guide late-stage breast cancer patients in self-administering the treatment at home—one of the few legal methods available. Three late-stage breast cancer patients following my guidance have shown consistent results: over a 50% reduction in tumor size within one month and more than 70% within two months. I am confident this therapy can pass FDA clinical trials and soon transition from alternative to standard therapy.
LDN has kept me cancer free for over 10+ years,.. when I had a 1 in 3 chance of not making it 5 years after surgery. Super safe, with no drug interactions other than narcotics and immunosuppressants...
It is enhanced by vitamin D3. Both strengthen the immune system....
Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) - prescription only in Australia.
You can get Naltrexone from India like IVM, and reduce it yourself. It's simple to do and has benefits...
Keep using it. Anti-parasitics work.
Addenda to this post based on the following article.
Ivermectin 160mg daily (or up to 2mg/kg)
Fenbendazole 444mg 5 days per week
10,000 IU of vitamin D3 daily to obtain blood levels of about 80 to 100 ng/ml
bioavailable curcumin 600mg twice a day
Nattokinase 2000 IU twice daily
Mistletoe (The apple fir type is best for breast cancer)(4-6 months to kick in)
High meat, no wheat diet
moderate exercise
Source of ivermectin Sunrise Enterprise
Text their Whatsapp number, +919099096658, to order. Email: Address: A-206, 2nd Floor, Sumel Business Park-6 Dudheshwar Road, Opposite Hanumanpura BRTS, Shaibaug, Ahmedabad, State-Gujarat (India).
If one believes in the existence of sars-cov-2 then yes, those pharmaceutical products may assist.
They are anti parasitics, not anti virals. People got sick and these protcols helped. Nothing to do with an imaginary virus.
Thank you for unlocking LIFESAVING information...
Placing life -saving information like this makes one question so much
it allows one to openly
thank aware and kind individuals such as yourself.
Thank you.
Hi Christine, I recently ordered the meds to start self treating as well (with the added complications of triple negative breast cancer and symptoms of vax damage-after a dental procedure!!). I have been to homeopaths, naturopaths, and even a naturopathic cancer doctor! All of them defer to the oncologist who forbids all natural treatments but is sending me for palliative care. Prayers for all those in this battle....thank you!
So you have seen the various protocols I have posted? Which meds have you decided to use? I would be interested to hear where you are getting them from, perhaps through the message function here. As many of them are illegal in Australia, we have to be pretty devious about how we get them, and supply is unreliable, which is why I am cycling between three different protocols - just to make sure I always have the ingredients for one protocol ahead of time. In addition I have lots of apricot kernels in case I run out of all of the others. Sooner or later I will probably settle into a single treatment, but not yet.
I am unvaxxed and also had dental treatment after hospitalisation with "covid". I wonder?
Yes I did see the protocols that you posted and I was intrigued by Sayed's protocol as well. Specifically his comment that after 20 days the tumour should be can hope! I've ordered fenbendazole and ivermectin. I also read somewhere that someone used 1500 mg of quercetin with this combo, so I have purchased that too. Will send you that one when I find it again (I have saved so many protocols). Not sure how to message you from substack.
I'm going to add this: Doxycycline has 12 anti cancer actions. It is NOT being 'studied' like the great IVM or Fenben which makes me wonder if it may be EVEN better, or perhaps a powerful adjunct. Go look up the research. Myself, I have it as a basic abx that I use for a number of aliments. And in a cancer protocol I'd probably throw it in.
I have a resistance against using antibiotics, but it seems they do have a role to play in a broad approach to destroying as many unwelcome parasites as possible. I will have to research them some more.
Sub microbial doses... not anti microbe. It is modulating the immune system (blocking mmps that are being produced in excess due to disturbances in the immune system. MOre and More I believe this: the poisons in the food air and water are gathering momentum, we are being poisoned by EMFs and other chemicals... some thing or one wants to destroy humanity. Is it human or demonic or aliens... that I do not know... but I will tell you we are under attack. our elites are controlled by???? it is the Jew who are not Jews (Khazarian, Edomites etc.. not the Jew of the bible, the Hebrew, the REAL few in Israel can claim that birth right... or spiritual right...and with the mass vaxes there in Israel, fewer and fewer.. because they are killing alot of themselves off... )
I agree with you and I will go as far as to say that it is 4th dimensional beings that can operate as symbiotes in some physiologies better than others, who are running this world. But that understanding does not help us survive their assault. We have to stop squabbling over things that will not help us win this war, and focus on what we need to do. The first thing we need to do is work out a simple way of maintaining our health while they batter us. There is nothing more important than that. The second thing is work out who they are and how we combat them. We have left it too late to concentrate on that first, but we have to retain enough health to get there in the end. The first thing we must do is survive, and only then do we get to take them on.
Dr. Mark Sircus is a bicarbonate expert and has written extensively on using it to help maintain a state of alkalinity in the body. When my dad was diagnosed with stage 4 bladder tubule cancer spread to kidney and lungs last year, we gave him a lemon juice bicarbonate mixture to drink and his labored breathing began clearing up within about a week. Dr. Sircus also recommends a Frovolov device to further help oxygenation and alkalinity. I’ve also been looking at Wim Hof’s breathing methods and cold showers to help keep the body alkalized and to improve immune function.
I tried to use bicarb in one of the protocols but it was making me seriously nauseous. I will look into how to use it with lemon juice. It may be easier that way.
The late Dr. Fulvio Simoncini who apparently died in '24, while still very young, in my opinion, was the first oncologist I paid close attention to.
In 2006, I began researching a possible cure for my former employer, who had been stricken with brain cancer.
(Her gioblastoma diagnosis explained a LOT of what happened while I was working for this dear, kind (now deceased) lady.)
So anyway: I stumbled across his cancer healing data and modality and forwarded it to one of her daughters.
This woman died shortly thereafter. Her brain cancer was apparently inoperable. The family declined to take her to Dr. Simoncini's (still operating) clinic in Rome.
PS: They are all Italian too, and had no trouble understanding the data and protocol Dr. Simoncini discusses, in their native language.
This dear man was tarred, then feathered, then his Rome clinic was raided and his clinical practice shut down.
Many years later, after fighting the Italian medical and CRIMINAL ptb: He was prosecuted.
In 2018 he was sentenced to 5 years in prison. For "causing the death" of a 27 year female cancer patient.
(Does the name Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski ring any bells? Texas...)
If you do a BRAVE (preferred) or DuckDuckGo (compromised) search for data regarding this (rogue) cancer healer (Simoncini) , much of what you'll discover is in *Italian (*which can be translated) and is absolutely scathing but what's new eh? 😉
His belief: cancer is a fungus
His protocol: bicarbonate of soda. You don't drink it though... You are INFUSED. Tumors are directly targeted. (Washed.)
They die.
There are videos and photos of pre and post treatment of (aggressive) tumors. Inside the body. Films taken with those tiny (nano?) tube cameras which can perform such functions... (I am not a doctor, don't okay one on Youtube, and have no formal education to speak of however you know what I'm saying. I trust.)
If you go to Dr. Simoncini's website site, still "up" as of last night, you will access most, if not all, his data.
I somehow recalled his name last evening, after 18 years, which is how I found his latest "Wiki" entry. It indicated he died in "2024". No month or day of death, nor cause.
I spent a good portion of last evening ferreting out that his death occurred this past January. Could not discover cause, however am
betting dollars to donuts he didn't die of turbo cancer.
Perhaps he died of a broken heart and spirit.
Am now wondering whether he spent his last days on earth as a free man. (I believe he was convicted by Italian courts in 2018.)
In any event: due to my having discovered his protocol back in 2006, I began... doctoring... my mother's 5 gallon water bottles with small amounts of bicarbonate of soda.
Also began tinkering with my own... home made "potions"... at that same time. 2006.
Prior to this time, perhaps winter of 1994, some very difficult to obtain books began appearing. Landing in my path. So to speak.
(Pre-internet for the Common Person.)
One was a thin *self published (*from its appearance) book with a very plain sky blue cover, entitled, in white letters, something like:
"H2O2: Hydrogen Peroxide Cures Cancer"
And others along the same vein.
Really? Just an extra molecule of oxygen??
The thin sky blue book
was simply a compilation of researched material, going all the way back to "Lourdes", the "miracle" curative water pool in France.
When analyzed by curious scientists though: turns out this source of water contained (contains?) a high concentration of H2O2.
Hydrogen Peroxide.
It was mostly anecdotal data which a good Samaritan (prior to thecWorld Wide Web) had decided to publish. To share.
I found the book in a most unlikely spot. I was certainly not searching for it but it found me, so I purchased it.
Prior to THAT? Oh my. Lol... I could go on and on dear lady however you get the gist eh?
(Hint: My awakening began during the summer of 1984. Gosh 40 years. Time flies.)
Childhood vaccine data landed in my rented apartment mailbox in 1996, prior to the birth of my only child in early 1997...
I had back problems. Found a chiropractor whom I paid cash for crack. He had a photo of 3 angelic looking children on his desk.
All unvaxxed and thriving...
Didn't know there was such a thing as "unvaccinated' or controversy about vaccines until a book landed in my hands the year after it was self published.
Again: 1996.
"You do not find this book. It finds you."
"The Medical Mafia" by Dr. Ghislaine Lanctot. (She was subsequently kicked out of Quebec Canada's medical industry but she is STILL TALKING to this day.)
Lots of vaccine data in that thin book as well.
SHE WAS YEARS AHEAD of the others who followed. (As was Dr. Kevin Stillwagon.)
On another tangent here: I just keep stumbling and practicing upon my self first.
I applied pure medical grade DMSO to the knees of a neighbor. Immediate improvement but I guess he didn't bother to "follow up" or "follow through" (you can only LEAD a horse to the oasis...) because he eventually had knee replacement surgery however with all that said: he might not be kicking mules but he's 97 now. (The application happened in about 1996?)
Didn't know about "cutting it" with an organic oil you can ingest when I recommended my sister give it a go after she became wheelchair bound at Disneyland in the early 2 thousands. (Peeled her hip skin but no scarring, only left with skin as smooth as a newborns bum and the bottom line: she was back to hiking and horseback riding the following week...)
I won't take up much more of your precious time Christine but I encourage you to look into Organic Sulphur crystals.
2 of my local uber expensive "health food & supplements" stores had never heard of it and "won't carry it if it's not in demand..." and another local (very costly) natural supplement store hadn't ever heard of it either but took my number and said they'd contact THEIR suppliers...
No dice. Not available.
She: "What are you going to do with it?"
Me: "Experimental stuff."
She: 🤣🤣🤣
Guess what though? Not ever being much of a giver-upper: Tracked down a supplier (well of course I did! ) made MSM eye drops. (For my son. Who won't use them. He'll take prednisone and immunosuppressant drug manufacturedby the company that poisoned him instead. 😭)
Most "MSM" drops were PULLED from the "market". Just TRY to find this stuff. 😉
(Okay, I did, but cannot afford to pay $12.99 US per 15 ml plus S&H to Canada. Hence my workaround. )
Nothing "new" under the sun
my dear. Just the old earth mother ways of healing the body, remarketed at exorbitant price points.
I make my 22ppm colloidal silver for pennies a litre and give it away to anyone who wants it. (Guess what? No one I know does because they have the $50 bucks to spend at the local "Natural Food & Supplements" store for a 15ml bottle of 15ppm colloidal silver... 😉
I see by your latest post that you are alone (but hopefully
not lonely) and on a tight budget.
So am I. (I will NEVER put my hand out though.The Canuckistanian guv mint can literally KMA.)
I survived "Covid" and the ensuing "mandates" which turned me into an unemployable pariah, and the reason for my survival of that bs was because I survived my childhood, the mean streets (as a child) and everything else I endured, and overcame, since 1973.
I can and will survive ANYTHING.
On sheer WILLPOWER for the most part. (I am an unruly woman. You know the old saying "become ungovernable"?)
So will YOU survive.
PS: How is that 1/4 nic patch going? (Dr. Ardis?) I'm a curious old cat.
I've suffered annoying but tolerable tinnitus (hearing it now and only whilst asleep do I not but sleep much these days. Ain't nobody got time forbthat...) since my twice Pfizered son temporarily moved into my space in late 2021 until early 2022.
Although mostly a hermit (by choice), was and am exposed to vaxxed family members. (Yes. Shedding IS a thing.)
Thinking of biting the bullet and purchasing a box.
Feel free to pick my aging often befuddled brain Christine or better yet: read read readand experiment.
(I mean, I remembered Fulvio's name after 18 years, right? 😉)
Hang TOUGH my dear and please continue to keep curious and caring cats posted.
Truly wish I could offer you monetary assistance but I've been busto since "lockdowns" and never had much prior to that.
I also need to come up with a way to generate a massive chunk of bollardos in order to save my son who refused to take the advice of his crazy conspiracy theorist mum and is now vaccine injured.
Everyone I (still) know is ill. Vaccinated and ill.
Many whom cancelled me are dead or dying now. Turbo cancer. Strokes. Sepsis. "Died in their sleep of unknown cause".
Family members dropping left and right.
Me: No regrets for declining thec💉, and consequences of that.
Lost jobs and friends. Ghosted by all save 1 old ex eho reappeared via internet during lockdowns (fighting for his medical autonomy rights against his Uni) and my only begotten bejabbed child. (😭 My son. MY son. 💔)
I paid a small price to stand my ground. In my opinion.
#HoldTheLine Christine.
Hugs across the internet miles.
You know what's going on, right?
I have a once dear sister-in-arms in Oz. Near Byron Bay.
I know it's a huge country, as is mine, but she is one of us, albeit not as alone, from what I know.
Not as broke either.
I do not use "the app". I've received email notices that I have a "PM" however when I "click" to access? Immediately am re-routed to the "app store".
If you'd like: just "sub" me. You'll have my email.
I'm a low tech luddite with reams of experience regarding how to live on practically nothing.
You're welcome to tap my brain and resources.
Sheesh this was long eh? 😉🤣
I think it is best with the lemon juice, especially since you are creating those beneficial oxygenating bubbles that Dr. Sircus speaks of.
You may want to consider theraputic gases and high dose liposomal vitamin C. As well as modified citrus pectin for metastasis. Have you been staged?
Some book marks I have for you Christine.....Since you are having difficulty with NaH3CO2 orally, you can also nebulize it. Which provides you an inexpensive alternative for systemic administration. Rather than going through the gut.
Did you try it with molasses?
Thank you for the response in the fB ivermectin group. I could not reply there because Im in fB jail. I will read this.
Hi, Christine. I have been reading a few of your posts since we talked on Dr. T's Substack about red light therapy.
Sorry that establishment medicine has not been supportive of you. There are alternatives: functional medicine and naturopathy.
It appears you live in Australia, so I did a search on functional medicine practitioners in Oz:
The naturopathic sites I know focus on America and Canada. One of my favorite Substack authors is naturopathic Dr. Colleen Huber, who specializes in oncology:
Best of luck!
They cost too much. Private providers of any kind are not an option.
Australia is a big place. The only doctors I have geographic access to are new graduates imported from Sri Lanka and trained/retrained through Wollongong University. Independent thinking and even reading medical peer reviewed papers is not part of their idea of what it means to be a doctor. There are no integrative practitioners within access to me both geographically or in terms of cost. Naturopaths and medical specialists cost too much and are not in any way subsidised. So I do the best I can with what I have - which is my own intelligence and determination. If the red light "works" it is a one off investment and no ongoing cost (for as long as it lasts) so is worth investigating.
But thank you for caring. It means a lot.
Be careful with red light around your melanoma. I *think* that red light works partly by angiogenesis - the formation of new blood vessels to nourish healthy tissues - but that is something you do NOT want to promote around a cancerous tissue.
I am now subscribing, so I can learn more from you, and hopefully I can share what I know too. Good luck!
There is no definitive study that supports red LED (usually around 660nm) cause's proliferation skin Ca. There is supportive evidence for PDT using other wavelengths can work against it.
Here is a dive I did awhile ago ...
The photodynamic response of hypericin dye was tested in vitro with cultured human squamous carcinoma cells after exposure to laser emissions at green, yellow, and orange visible light wavelengths (514, 550, and 593 nm). This study revealed that the greatest PDT responses occurred at hypericin's absorption and fluorescence maximum of 593 nm. A range of hypericin concentrations was tested to determine the minimum dosage for photosensitization of the tumor cells, which was found to be from 0.2 to 0.5 μg/mL or 1 μM. Laser power delivery at 150 mW produced the highest level of tumor cell killing at 593 nm. In vivo studies with nude mice bearing human squamous cell carcinoma tumors showed that injected hypericin remained within the tumor site for 10 days allowing repeated laser illumination.
This study also confirms that placement of the fiberoptic within the tumor provides the greatest photo-oxidation and is the optimal route of laser light delivery. During these PDT tests of subcutaneous human SCC tumors using a surgical KTP532 laser emitting visible green light, the limiting factor appears to be tumor size. Hypericin PDT also should be enhanced via deeper penetration of 593 nm light as in our in vitro studies above or by using longer wavelengths of pulsed infrared light for 2-photon excitation [7]. This study provides new evidence hypericin is an ideal photosensitizer for PDT that may prove to be clinically useful in tumor imaging and minimally invasive treatment of locally recurrent head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.
Photodynamic therapy and tumor imaging of hypericin-treated squamous cell carcinoma
Extra Strength St. John's Wort (PE 0.3% Hypericin) Extract - Salve Ointment (2 oz, ZIN: 514259)
I wonder if there is anyone reading this who has tried this protocol? I am stuck on the bicarbonate of soda that causes me to gag. I have substituted fulvic acid which is supposed to alkalize the cells, so I am hoping it is doing the same thing as the bicarb in the protocol. Anyone with experience of this?
Oncologist Richard Urso in the USA uses much less bicarb with his patients, initially a quarter teaspoon twice daily, building up to half a teaspoon twice daily
Maybe have a look at using potassium citrate instead? My understanding is that its a strong alkaliser, do perhaps you might need to lower the dose. Or not.