Jun 17Liked by Christine

You are helping more than you know🌹

I am so sorry you are going through this🕯️

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It’s nano particles

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Care to expand on that?

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Jun 14Liked by Christine

Brilliant article Christine. I got sick during the rollout of the Covid Project. I visited a friend soon after this all started and we both felt feverish within 1.5 hours of each other and at the time all the car alarms were going off all night long. I didn't make the connection but I suspect the security services were playing with their new Toy 5G Sub Gigahertz Long Range Radar.

My opinion of Long Covid is that it's COVID Jab injury.

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No, long covid cannot be only jab injury because I am not jabbed and I have long covid. Why have you not extrapolated further and checked whether long covid could be ongoing 5G injury. I am as sure as I can be that both my covid and long covid are actually triggered by 5G injury.

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Jun 14Liked by Christine

You could be right it could be the 5G. Some people are more sensitive than others. What are your symptoms?

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If you know what it means, i could summarise it as vagus nerve collapse. I wrote this when I was much less informed about the genocide, but it is still pretty close to what would write now.


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Jun 14Liked by Christine

That would make sense as that particular illness can be caused by a viral infection which 5G can simulate, all virus illnesses are probably caused by EMF's. My opinion is that if 5G has caused this which it's likely I suspect it's through pulsing and not through 5G lower frequencies such as idling.

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I don't understand it enough to speculate. After my first hospitalisation, I was chatting with a friend living 3000ks away from me who told me I would think she was mad, but she had collapsed 3 times on a Friday afternoon and had called an ambulance. I looked back to my first hospitalisation and a second trip to hospital with a similar type of collapse, and found they were both Friday afternoon. So why? The best logic we could come up with was that we were both living in very high tourist areas where the population multiplies by 10 to 100 depending on time of year, so what was the possibility that we were both collapsing when all the 5g phones came to town.

In desperation, I got myself some shungite, and it works. It does not seem to protect me completely and I feel much worse on weekends, but not to the point of collapse. So I may be wrong, but I think I have demonstrated that it is other people's 5G phones doing the harm.

I also live near a naval base and a military base, and I know someone locally who collapses when one of the naval helicopters flies over. My friend 3000 kms away does not have a nearby military base so we cannot attribute our Friday afternoon collapses to something military.

And of course, the only way to fix this, if I am right, is to get rid of 5G. Hmmm.

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Jun 11Liked by Christine

My leaky gut and parasite, my guess why I have psoriasis. I think gmo has created new strains of parasites . Seems like my gluten sensitivity is more sensitivity to the poisons allowed on food.

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Hint, watch when you have a gluten reaction for the presence of aluminum. I discovered that my gluten intolerance was actually gluten with aluminum intolerance. Remove or avoid aluminum contamination and gluten is fine, for me.

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Jun 11Liked by Christine

Einkorn flour is excellent although hard to find - low gluten and high in protein. I find I can get it from the Amish farmers.. Excellent post Christine. It's so hard to discern how to get to the real truth. I just finished reading The Art of War by Sun Tzu and am convinced that many in the various "truth" movements (both medical and social) are wittingly or unwittingly being used by our actual enemy - the central bankers- who seem to control everything in our world. Some of these people even blather about wanting "a seat at the table". But why would you want to negotiate with Evil? I watch them all and try to get whatever pieces of truth that I can. Maybe this is the journey we are all suppose to go on.

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Been avoiding aluminum for years. Thanks

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Gluten foods almost inevitably are contaminated with aluminum.

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Truly well done, Christine. As a professor, I admire your ability to synthesize and organize a vast amount of raw information in a logical fashion. I found this helpful, and I look forward to part 2.

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Thank you. I was a technical writer in a previous life and it's just what I do.

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Previous life?

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I'm retired. Only to discover I cannot stop doing what I was doing for 30 years, only this time I don't get paid.

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Yes, your work is excellent!

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RemovedJun 15
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Yes, I am attempting to cut through the egos to see if I can get to the truth. It is not easy. There is a severe shortage of basic common sense. We have to know what is wrong with us, and that has to be proven, before a cure can be found. While they are all still squabbling about what is wrong, and while they are doing nothing to test their theories, we are left relying on our own intuition to guide us through appropriate therapies.

If you have the budget, and want something to be going on with, while you try to work out what is wrong with you, try nicotine patches. they are cheap-ish, safe and available over the counter. I am not sure Ardis's theory is correct, but i do know that the patches noticeably improve my overall wellbeing. Worth a try.


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