One size does not fit all
...a single diagnosis and a single treatment is not going to solve the health crises of those who became sick during the covid era
Is anyone else confused by the many different symptoms and diseases afflicting the human race currently? And is anyone else confused by the many theories explaining those symptoms and diseases, many of which conflict with one another and lead to endless debate?
Those who are afflicted, suffer and die, while the debate rages on.
This is an attempt to get some clarity. It is based on the idea that we are fighting off manufactured health assaults on many flanks simultaneously. We are each impacted differently depending on our core physiology and on the assaults we are personally confronting.
This post will remain “under development” as we learn more about what we are facing and my own knowledge grows.
1. The assaults on our health
This is my theory, based only on keen observation and an open mind, about the health challenges that we, the human race, are currently confronting. It is my position that a corrupt elite has deliberately contaminated our food, water, and air, and corrupted our medicine, to make us sick and keep us sick. I believe that we are close to the final act of that process.
Were you suffering from one of the multitude of incurable “syndromes” before the covid era?
Has your health collapsed further since covid?
If your answer is yes, then chances are you are carrying one or more of the “gain of function” deadly disease “pathogens” that have been developed by malevolent researchers, over decades. These pathogens are designed to circumvent natural human immunity and natural bodily healing systems. (I use the term “pathogens” loosely in the absence of a word in English that covers the whole category of both natural and “gain of function” laboratory made pathogens.) Over time, as a culture, we have become aware of a few if these but there are doubtless many more:
HIV and Aids, which are still mysterious today
Morgellons disease, which is still being denied
Lyme disease, which came out of nowhere and is supposed to be a tick borne bacterial disease but which resists treatment
the spike protein of the covid era, apparently laboratory made and delivered either:
via injection, or
via shedding from a vaccinated person, or
via chemtrails, or
transported into the body by some form of infection or contagion
self assembling cross domain metallic or plastic like elements growing in the blood of both the vaccinated and the unvaccinated
These “bio-hazards” may be simple biological agents or may be some kind of cross domain laboratory creation that has elements that are never found together in nature, and that have never before been seen behaving the way they are now behaving.
This is my simplification of what is happening.
And if you really want to understand the nano-technology side of what is going on, refer to the research of Ana Maria Mihalcea, or the journalism of Karen Kingston.
Health issues resulting from the injections
Are you suffering from one or more downstream ailments resulting from the spike protein and other ingredients in the injections?
These alien invaders to the body cause many downstream health issues which are largely what the medical profession concentrates on. However, these can be ignored while you address the real causes of ill-health, unless they are lining up to kill you too fast to address the deeper causes first. This might include:
the various heart and circulatory system complaints that can kill via strokes or heart attacks
and most recently, turbo-cancers which are cancers diagnosed at stage 4 with no prior history of cancer and which can kill in a matter of months.
For more information on the explosion of health issues resulting from the covid jabs, this article summarises it clearly.
The role of EMFs
Is your health being worsened by your immersion in an electromagnetic smog?
Every rollout of something electrical has been accompanied by some form of pandemic. After a while, the human body seems to adjust, but is 5G a step too far?
Either the change in our electrical environment:
destabilises our body so that it has to re-adjust in some way, giving us the symptoms that are far more deadly than the normal cold or flu, or
destabilises the various pathogens and parasites happily living in our bodies so that they reproduce out of control and make us sicker than normal
or both.
2. Treatments
As the hazards that are assailing us are not natural, there is no corresponding “natural” cure designed by nature to counteract them. However, it is possible that some combination of herbs and drugs can be “repurposed” to treat them. Many researchers are hunting for these currently but it is early days. For the afflicted, we have use our intuition and take them on trust, as none has yet been “proven”, but many seem to “help”.
Anti spike protein
Are you likely to be carrying the spike protein?
This one stands on its own, unlike other known “parasites”. It seems to take up residence on the ACE2 receptors in the body from which it must be dislodged so that they can do the work they are supposed to do. Many of the symptoms of long covid have been attributed to the ability of the spike protein to take up residence on the ACE2 receptors pretty much anywhere in the body where their presence can do pretty much any type of damage.
There are a few protocols emerging whose function is specifically to get rid of the spike protein from the body. Whether or not these work remains to be seen.
Nicotine patches or gum as promoted by Brian Ardis (which I have tried and which seems to have lifted my brain fog if nothing else)
Dr. Syed Haider on the Spike Protein (scroll to the end for a healing protocol)
Anti-injection (for those who have been injured by the injections)
Do you need to detox from the injection or from shedding from someone else’s injection?
I have oversimplified the issues related to the injections, but if you want a good explanation of all the problematic elements in the injections, and the processes to manage both the spike protein and other toxic elements in the injections, you can read all about it here:
Do you need to rid your body of parasites which range in size from microscopic to tape worms, and everything in between? This can include some of the cross domain man-made pathogens and also includes cancer.
Many of the gain of function pathogens are “cross domain”, in that they have a biological component along with other unnatural components. This biological component means it may be possible to treat them to some degree with re-purposed anti-parasitics that are able to kill the biological component.
It seems that some anti-parasitics may either disable the spike protein or dislodge it from the ACE2 receptors and Ivermectin, for example, does seem to be beneficial in treating the overall symptoms of the so-called covid, long covid and now the turbo cancers.
The two currently favoured anti-parasitics are the re-purposed drugs fenbendazole and ivermectin.
Other anti-parasitics that have proven useful in the past in similar situations include apricot kernels and wormwood. Note that there is a popular theory that cancers are the body’s attempt to isolate parasites and that cancers can be cured by getting rid of those parasites. This may be the case for the new turbo cancers.
Detoxing chemicals particularly plastics and heavy metals
Do you need to detox your body from chemicals including plastics and heavy metals?
Much research is being conducted at present on the kinds of metallic or plastic like foreign bodies in our blood, and on how to dislodge and remove them from our bodies. This does not seem to be very advanced at this stage, but early research is being done into the effectiveness of:
nattokinase to dissolve blood clots
NAC to promote detoxification
Sodium Citrate as recommended by David Nixon on Karl.C’s Substack
Chlorine Dioxide as promoted by Robert Yoho.
Protection from harmful EMFs
Do you need to protect your health from your immersion in an EMF soup?
It seems that EMFs and now, particularly 5G, are able to destabilise any pathogens, or anything with a biological component, so that it replicates in an abnormal way and behaves in an abnormal way inside our bodies.
Protecting ourselves from 5G as well as other harmful electrical fields is not as easy as it seems and we have a long way to go to find efficient and cost effective ways to do it. I recommend the Stacks of Roman Shapoval and Arthur Firstenberg for anyone who needs to wrap their head around the topic.
In summary
If you are sick and want to get well, there is nothing simple about the process. There is no single cause for what ails us and there will be no single cure. Each of us will be impacted differently by the soup of toxicity we are swimming in, and respond differently to treatment.
At some stage we will all have to look at each of the following:
Reduce exposure to damaging environmental toxins
Before we start we must ensure that we eat clean food, drink clean water, breathe clean air and minimise EMF exposure
Take steps for fix the damage already done
Identify anything that is likely to kill us in the next few months and do what we can to minimise it.
Identify what biological and gain of function pathogens are damaging the body.
Identify and implement the most likely anti-parasitic protocols to destroy them. We may need to repeat this process regularly to keep ourselves clear of the “gain of function” pathogens
Identify what chemical and metallic elements have invaded the body.
Identify and implement the most likely detox protocols to eliminate them from the body. We may need to repeat this process regularly to keep ourselves clear of the debris from the “gain of function” and “cross domain” pathogens
Identify how impacted you are by 5G and other electromagnetic frequencies.
Identify how to protect yourself from harmful EMFs in your environment and wherever you go.
That’s all!
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If this post has changed the quality of your life in some way, and you would like to say thank you, you can make a one-off donation through PayPal below. I am retired and live solely on a state pension, so every little bit really does help.
Hi Christine! Thank you for linking to our article. Sorry I have been out of touch. I got your email and will reply I hope in the next day or two.
I had no idea the medical system doesn’t completely bulk bill for low income patients. How can that be?? I’m not considered to be on a low income and don’t qualify for a healthcare card but I’m on a low income with high outgoings ... Workcover precludes me but doesn’t pay for non Workcover related medical. I went to my GP today and was advised to get a mole checked. I know it will be expensive and I’m hardly encouraged when I’ll only do self detoxing myself, which I’m going to do anyway. So I’m going to watch the mole and sense myself ... The salve came today. It’s all so scary when you are doing things alone. I’ve got a whole medicine chest (so to speak) of chelation facilitators and detox items and haven’t used any yet! About to begin. It’s an invitation to navigate the life/death reality ... Just have to do what one can and see I guess.
I’ll be in touch soon. x