Maybe Global Healing can help some.

In USA I think. 1-800-476-0016


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What do they have as resources that someone who needs medical support from anywhere in the world can pick up and apply to their own situation? The covid era has illustrated, very strongly, the need for empowerment of the sick to be able to effectively treat themselves in the absence of intelligent or free thinking doctors that they can afford. If you lurk for any period of time on the Facebook long covid and alternative cancer care groups you will read hundreds of thousands of people around the world all trying to make sense of the nonsense we are being told by the mainstream medicine that has abandoned us to go home and die. We need a naturopathic or similar equivalent of the FLCCC website manned by volunteers qualified to direct medically abandoned sick people or their advocates to printed and free media resources through which they can treat themselves.

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Jul 15·edited Jul 15Author

Note that comments that do not relate to the content of my article have been removed and will be removed. You can have your childish spats elsewhere. If more nonsense appears, the authors will be banned from this Stack. Merrick has been banned from this substack and reported to Substack for abusive behaviour.

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Robert Young's theory is to maintain a high PH in your blood and drink lots of fluids, according to my interpretation. Cut out all the sugars and junk foods. He recommends using PH strips to test your urine occassionally. I wish I could find a video of that for you. The video I am referring to was on Rumble, but not on Young's channel. Someone interviewedhim about it.

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He told untruths about pH and positive and negative charge, on the video I watched, which has made me nervous of him.

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I was recently told of the importance of pseudouridine in the development of the whatchamacallit. Seems to be key in understanding how the symptoms of long cvd can be alike yet different. I think this is why there are varying “cures” and helps out there. The whatchamacallitwas designed to target individual weaknesses, things your particular body had already made the antibodies for, things already defeated by a particular person’s immune system. I completely understand your journey. Your observations resonate with me. I think the doctors are more clueless than a lot of regular folk due to their training and even their motivation for becoming a doctor in the first place. I would imagine the “good” ones out there are undergoing a major life assessment and are very cautious (scared) to tell anybody anything as they now realize how wrong it has all been. It is hard to unravel the pharma from the picture. They just want to make it to retirement, somehow.

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The vax is not the cause of my long covid.

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I didn’t say it was.

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I thought your entire comment was referring to long vax not long covid. That's how it read to me. And long vax and long covid are undoubtedly related but there do seem to be some significant differences. Long vax people have more serious and a wider range complaints than long covid people, and until we can get the world clear on the difference between the vaxxed sick and the unvaxxed sick, we cannot identify what the true "cause" of either long covid or long vax really are. In my case, although i was hospitalised with what they called covid, I never had any cold or flu symptoms and I attribute my collapse to 5G or toxic chemtrails, not a virus.

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Jul 14Liked by Christine

I was poisoned in January 2022 . The only way to was describie it was like being bit by a copperhead or water moccasin. It lasted about seven hours. The headache last for two weeks, the episode was very painful..

Some mornings I think I’m going to die and I drive myself to the hospital and sit in the parking lot.

I take a series of supplements for the heart, the kidneys and the adrenal glands so far it seems to be working. I no longer feel like I have to go to the hospital or that I am going to die which is a weird feeling one nurse said she thinks I am suffering from vagal syncope.

I I also use herbs it seem to help

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I think my "covid" was vagus nerve collapse brought on by 5G. I think my long covid is continued sensitivity to 5G.

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Well, I don’t live in an area with 5G I live in the woods. when I got poisoned I was staying probably 150 yards from a huge 5G tower

So when I came back home, I did not turn on my Starlink. The last week has been the first week without any major symptoms either it’s working its way out of my system or the supplements I am taking. I was so used to the situation I was in every day. I can’t believe that I’m not experiencing those symptoms anymore.

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You are lucky you are able to get away from 5G. I'm glad you are recovering. I have a contact who lives out of 5G territory, but she has to "go into town" for her shopping. She collapses, not every time, but regularly, after her trip to do her shopping. It's not an easy way to live.

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I just read a Substack by agent 11377 something like that anyway it was about HCQ and hydrochloricquine well looking at all the MSDS and safety data sheet from Merrick. It seems like it just loaded with poisons and I’m sure that didn’t help my situation trying to recover from this poisoning, also took ivermectin which turns out to be poison. Most of my vitamins had magnesium starate capsules

I don’t take those vitamins anymore and they

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Yes, we keep getting conflicting information which makes it almost impossible for us to care for ourselves in the absence of a medical infrastructure willing and able to care for us.

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