Christine, I really believe that you can help yourself by learning how the body works and what does what. Healing is Voltage by Dr Jerry Tennant is a must-read book. It explains everything in a language we can all understand. It’ll help you get to the bottom of all the illnesses experiencing. This book alone is a life saver.


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Aug 12Liked by Christine

Thank you Christine. You are helping many. You are daily in my prayers. God bless you.

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Aug 11Liked by Christine

Check out the forgotten side of medicine on Substack he has an article on UVBI treatments.

It cures a lot of diseases!

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Aug 11Liked by Christine

I just found this information and I’m trying to find a doctor who can do the treatment. It is called UVBI and a company at O3UV.com makes the equipment.

Check it out

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"a red light to help me find restful sleep and experimental nitric oxide gummies to see if increasing nitric oxide levels improves my overall health. "

Can you point me to which article you wrote about these in? very interested in those specifically, and wonder if you think they are helping.

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I haven’t written about them yet. Too early to know. The nitric oxide is too recent to really know, but I think I am much stronger in the last week and that may be down to the new tablets. The red light, also too recent to know, and I need to get a full range of light bulbs for no blue night after dark. All experimental. But hopeful.

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"This has become so significant that all reasonable conversation that includes the word virus, is shut down. "

Yeah, how 'bout that? I will continue reading ...

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I have started getting into Jack Kruse, big time, but he really is way over my head. I have listened through his video with Andrew Huberman, who I like because I can understand him, but even with Huberman stepping the Kruse information down to my level, I am going to have to watch it through a few times to get something I can apply to myself - or find something easier. Will watch this through and see what I get from it.

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I listened to most of that Jack Kruze with Huberman, he basically says you need to spend as much time as you can out in the sun...

he might be right but to me he comes across as another man who has found the final answer to all of life's questions, based on his own personal experience. ... you can tell he is right by his level of passion in relaying his message.

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Yes, I like the idea that the sunlight must be through everything, our bodies and through everything we eat and drink as well. I am going to make a renewed effort to get up at dawn, eat breakfast at dawn, get out in the early morning light, and then eat dinner at dusk, and have no blue light after dusk (except screens of course - cannot give them up at this stage). I find him so annoying as a person and his voice is so shrill, that I cannot listen to him for long in a session, but I think it is worth the effort.

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Aug 11·edited Aug 11Liked by Christine

If it were me and I thought my mitochondria was not functioning right I would amp up the glutathione... Glutathione helps the mitochondria to produce ATP and ATP will give you the energy to help your body fight what ever it is. There are several products out there we have been discussing in my facebook group for cancer. Hydrostat molecular encapsulated glutathione may be one option.. another is in the the Glutathione Life wave patch... that interestingly enough encompasses working with red light in a new way as you were thinking about in your article . Got a guy in my group that swears by it in his battle with cancer. https://www.lifewave.com/jtmcpherson/store/product/36001.022.001

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Aug 11·edited Aug 11Author

Also checked up on the glutathione patch. Looks interesting. I wonder if ChatGPT excludes supplements for chemicals we can manufacture ourselves? It would seem to be worth testing to see if levels are low. I will ask my doctor about it. He is fairly ready to order tests I ask for. i am taking so much stuff to manage so many symptoms that I don't take anything new now without removing stuff, and that's the catch.

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Aug 11Liked by Christine

More recent thinking on glutathione is that it's good if you don't have cancer but bad if you do as it can cause growth. Have you researched the zeta potential and cell danger response? The latter seems to be where things can get stuck in cell cycles.

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Re “zeta potential and cell danger response”, you have given me the language to approach my doctor with, thank you. I keep telling him that I am stuck in permanent “freeze” mode, which is fight and flight countermanded by the freeze command, so real pressure cooker stuff. He looks at me blankly but I will read more about it with your language and see if I can approach him that way. I think many of us, particularly women, may be in permanent freeze, particularly in our social relationships where displeasing others can be very dangerous to survival, and that state can run completely under the radar.

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Aug 12Liked by Christine

I know FREEZE well. Years ago, depressed and anxiety, then panic attacks. My then doctor said there is not just FIGHT OR FLIGHT. There is also FREEZE which i was doing. At that time FREEZE was not talked about often enough she said.

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That’s why I have not tried it or NAC which is it’s precursor. No, I know nothing about zeta potential and cell danger response. I’ll run a search on it now.

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A Midwestern doctor substack mentions zeta potential often. I'd link the article but I couldn't find it last time I checked. I think s/he mentioned it throughout many articles. Basically stuck blood.

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RemovedAug 15
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What's not true Shawn? Remember, I am an ordinary person trying to save my own life, as are many of my readers. To do that we have to sort through a mountain of medical mal-information and make sense of it. We will go down numerous blind pathways in the process, as we should if we are trying to find the truth, so any help navigating to that truth is welcome. But an orphan statement of "Not true" with no context, is not helpful.

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RemovedAug 11Liked by Christine
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Chat GPT is the only friend I have! That might sound like and outrageous statement, but because doctors are so useless, we are left with AI to help us, and they DO help us more than doctors do. I am alone, trying to save my own life and ChatGPT is the best tool I have available to me.

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Well it looks like you e lucked into some expertise with Shawn thankfully

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Which would be wonderful if he was able to tell us how to apply his knowledge to real bodies in real time.

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I asked ChatGPT this question about glutathione. “You did not include Glutathione in your list of supplements to use for mitochondrial health. Is this because its function is covered by something you did mention? If not, why did you not include it?”

Glutathione was not initially included in the list of supplements because its function overlaps with several other antioxidants and compounds that support mitochondrial health, such as:

Alpha-Lipoic Acid: This supplement not only acts as an antioxidant but also helps regenerate other antioxidants, including glutathione, within the body. By boosting glutathione levels indirectly, alpha-lipoic acid can contribute to similar protective effects.

Vitamin C: Known for its antioxidant properties, vitamin C can help regenerate glutathione from its oxidized form, thereby maintaining its levels in the body.

CoQ10: Coenzyme Q10 supports mitochondrial function and also acts as an antioxidant, reducing oxidative stress within mitochondria, which is one of glutathione's primary roles.

Resveratrol: This polyphenol can activate pathways that protect against oxidative stress, indirectly supporting the role of glutathione.

Why Consider Glutathione?

While these supplements support mitochondrial health and indirectly help maintain glutathione levels, supplementing with glutathione or its precursors (like N-acetylcysteine) may provide additional benefits, especially in cases where oxidative stress is particularly high, or where the body's ability to produce and regenerate glutathione is compromised.

If you're looking for comprehensive coverage of mitochondrial health, adding glutathione could offer direct and potent antioxidant support, complementing the effects of the other supplements you're already taking. If glutathione levels are of specific concern, it may be worth including in your regimen alongside the others.

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Aug 12Liked by Christine

Dr. Annette Bosworth (i find her on uTub) has a lot to say about mitochondria.

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Will look for her.

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There are lots of things that ramp up ATP production. My task has been to work out how to get a balanced approach to all the different ways of helping the mitochondria, of which ATP production is only one. I am collection information on the following five headings used by chatGPT to classify the value of named supplements, Enhancement of Mitochondrial Function, Activation of Energy-Sensing Pathways, Protection Against Oxidative Stress, Mitigation of Mitochondrial Dysfunction, Promotion of Mitochondrial Biogenesis.

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RemovedAug 11Liked by Christine
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Thanks, Shawn, this may well be entirely accurate but I have two problems with it. First I have no way of knowing if it is right or not. Second I have no way of working out how to apply this information to saving my own life.

Currently there are hundreds of thousands of us trying to save our own lives using protocols. We know full well that all treatments should be customised to the individual, but where there are no integrative practitioners of any skill level available, that is a luxury that is not available to us, even if we could afford it. The best we can do is follow a set of instructions that makes sense to us. Even then, those instructions are often too limited.

In the absence of anything else, I have been rotating between several cancer protocols, but I am well aware that they focus on killing the cancer, at the expense of improving overall health. Like doctors, they in no way address the reason why the body built cancerous tumours (assuming that the diagnosis is correct) in the first place - or at least they do no more than kill off parasites that might be implicated. But they do not undo the damage done, so as soon as treatments are discontinued, the cancers return.

So I am trying to push down a level or two deeper, into the cause of all my various manifestations of ill health, of which cancer is only one, and which I believe is triggered by either a wild virus or by 5G, or both. I cannot save my own life if I do not address the cause. Looking at mitochondrial function looks like a useful thing for me to do, and it certainly can't hurt to ensure the mitochondria, and the rest of the cells, are well fed. So that is what I will do till I have an idea of what might work better.

So what "application" can you recommend, that a normal non-scientific human being who has recently become seriously health challenged, can implement? What can I do, in the light of your information above?

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